Why It Works: Rakugo and the River’s Pull

Today on Why It Works, I finally get around to a dedicated Rakugo article! I ended up pretty happy with this one – I switched from Why It Works’ generally conversational tone to a more dramatic, show-based one, and I think it worked out okay. Why It Works lets me experiment in all sorts of ways, and making a weekly column-sized version of one of my big thematic writeups was a lot of fun. Rakugo certainly offers plenty to talk about!

Why It Works: Rakugo and the River’s Pull

One thought on “Why It Works: Rakugo and the River’s Pull

  1. “I switched from Why It Works’ generally conversational tone to a more dramatic, show-based one, and I think it worked out okay.”

    What an understatement, it worked out great! Not only did the tone of the article reflect the nature of the series, but it also maintained a high level of insight and engagement for the reader. There’s plenty of anime critics who can identify and address the more sensitive touchstones and inner workings in a given project, but there’s few that can communicate those findings in a digestible manner for all eyes without sacrificing quality or message.

    Nick, for as insightful as you are I think that aspect of you vastly overshadows your underrated delivery. This change in tone was a welcomed first step to put on display another facet of your game that you shine at.

    Keep doing this.

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