10 Royal Games Update

Hey guys! 10 Royal Games is still plugging along, though the schedule got wonky there for a couple days. We’ll hopefully be recording a whole new crop of videos this weekend, and might introduce some classic Dark Souls at this point – I’m sure we’ll be digging into the Bloodborne DLC when that arrives, but for now, nothing to do but stick with the classics.

A couple of the MGSV segments got skipped for some reason, but they’ve since been added back into the list, so there should be a smooth run of episodes from beginning to our current point on both games. We’ve also updated the video images to actually include relevant game and video number info, which will hopefully making keeping track a little easier! You can check out all the videos over on youtube, or see the specific missing segments (Dan’s inglorious attempts to rescue good ol’ Kaz) here and here. More coming soon!

10 Royal Games

10 Royal Games Plays MGSV, Parts 3-4

More videos! There was a little gap after that first set, but we’ve got a few more already in the pipeline after this, and should be clearing up the audio issues various helpful commenters pointed out to us (the first of this set still has the annoyingly loud intro, but everything from there on out should be adjusted). Anyway, BACK TO THAT FRIGGIN’ HOSPITAL.

Part Three and Part Four!

10 Royal Games Plays Metal Gear Solid V, Part One and Two

Hey guys! The first let’s plays by me and my friends are finally up! We had some initial technical issues getting it all together, but things should hopefully be much more consistent going forward. We started off this week with some Metal Gear Solid, the hot new game everyone’s talking about, and we… well, almost got through the intro cutscene. Look, it’s Metal Gear, these things happen. We’ll hopefully be back again in a couple days with more videos, and until then, you can check out all our stuff so far on youtube!

You can check out our existing videos here:

Part One

Part Two

If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to let me know either here, on ask.fm, or even on youtube (youtube comments, god forbid). We’re just starting out, so I’m sure there’ll be stuff to adjust as we go along. And I hope you enjoy!