My Hero Academia, Volume 11 – Review

It’s the end of an era in My Hero Academia. This volume was easily one of Academia’s best yet, and All Might’s climactic battle gave me tons to sink into in both a craft and thematic sense. The themey-wemey stuff took precedence this time, though – All Might’s fight essentially condensed Academia’s views on the conscience of society as a whole into one furious bout, and the volume’s second half then returned us to the engaging parent/child focus of the sports festival. Ridiculously compelling stuff all around, and I had an excellent time writing about it.

You can check out my full review over at ANN.

One thought on “My Hero Academia, Volume 11 – Review

  1. Thank you for sharing! I thought that review was a great writeup that highlights the series’ strengths! I was somewhat lukewarm on this one when I read it a few weeks back, but upon reflection, I think this is the best volume released since 4 and 5. I loved that this balanced action with school life, as one of MHA’s best attributes is its cast. I also loved your comments on Midoriya’s mom – I thought her concerns were very grounded and realistic, and they gave her her own kind of formidable strength. I’m really excited to see where the series goes from here.

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