That was gorgeous, okay? Everyone’s arc concluded with poignancy and grace, Smile was able to regain his own love of the game (MY BLOOD TASTES LIKE IRON!), and the very necessary epilogue demonstrated what Ping Pong has always stressed – that ping pong is only the beginning, and the real world is waiting. I’ll be posting my final impressions of the show in a couple days, so I’d just like to dedicate this last post to highlighting a few of the beautiful little synergies that tied this finale together. As I’ve said time and again, great stories are like little gems where all the facets reflect each other, and this finale was shimmering with beautiful, endearing little reflections.
We have to start with our wandering friend, of course. Though he travels far and wide looking for some greater meaning, he ultimately comes to realize that he was simply intimidated by defeat on the court. Witnessing the joyous match between Smile and Peco, he rekindles his love for ping pong, and ultimately finds his way to the Olympic stands.
Next we’ve got Smile’s savior, here at last. The shots leading up to this directly mirror those of episode two, and this shot itself is replacing the first appearance of Smile’s emotion-defending robot. He doesn’t have to be afraid of expressing himself through ping pong anymore.
Following that, we’ve got Smile assuming his duties as the new coach, an offer that was proposed all the way back in the first episode. Smile’s never been one who wins for his own sake – though he did defend his actions with “I just want to win” during his robot phase, it was always Peco’s presence that made ping pong so wonderful for him, so it’s no surprise that he ends up turning ping pong into a social activity.
And then Kazama arrives, bearing the same flowers that his cousin brought and father loved. Though he gripes about losing his spot on the professional team, there is no bite to his words now – he has learned to take defeat gracefully, and finally come to terms with the loss of his father. Whether his future holds victory or defeat, he will be able to face it without fear.
Next, while it’s certainly nice to see Wenge is succeeding, the key phrase here is “five years after naturalization.” Wenge has accepted Japan as his home now, and completed the journey he began by reaching out to his initial teammates.
And we end with the racket in flight. Initially, Peco tossed that racket to prove he had abandoned ping pong, and that it no longer had any hold on him. But he was still defined by the sport, and his actions were no more than an empty symbol. Now, at the end, Peco is still flying in pursuit of his dreams, while Smile has come to find happiness in life in his own way. He can set the racket free with no regrets – the symbol doesn’t matter, because he now knows who he wants to be.
This episode, like many of the ones before it, nearly made me cry several times at just how amazing and beautiful everything was. And while Kong was definitely my favorite, in the end I adored every single one of the characters here. I’m really looking forward to that essay of yours, but in the meantime I think I’ll finish up Tatami Galaxy.
yes I teared up during their match. All the characters were so perfectly represented – you came to love every one of them. They all found their ways in life through ping pong, which is a beautiful message
Yeah, I love this whole cast, and the show clearly does too.
This was a great series, I look forward to your full write up.
I also really liked the Evangelion reference in this episode.
Rather than making callouts for callouts sake or to gain Otaku/gamer affection (like No Game No Life tends to do) I feel it effectively connected the themes of the two shows together, both in Smile’s introverted nature and the social walls he puts up around himself, and the idea of Ping-Pong becoming what defined the character’s identity, much like the EVAs were, and the emotional journeys they go through in becoming more than their passion or role.
Yeah, the reference was nice. I’ve heard the doodles were Gundam references in the original, but as you say, Eva works really well for Smile’s character.
This episode was so good. This show has certainly earned a spot in my top 10. I almost want to put it in my top 5, but that would mean kicking out Katanagatari. Curse the ranking based mindset that MAL has instilled in me.
It’s right on the edge of my top ten, still trying to decide where to put it. RATING THINGS SUCKS.
Like last time, maybe even more so, I knew it would be great, but it ended up even better.
Ping Pong is a masterpiece.
This may be just me, but in some way, Smile kinda reminds me of the Chimera Ant King (In the voice and character progression).
Dang, he kinda does!
(It’s even the same voice actor!)
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