I guess I just can’t help myself. I returned to the JoJo well once again this week, since Koichi and Kira’s fight offered such a handy demonstration of one more of the show’s myriad strengths. You could probably do some further writing on how JoJo manages the hues of its palette shifts to echo their emotional intent, but I stuck to the basics this time – most great comic/animation artists give their characters distinctive visual signatures, and JoJo is able to use those signatures combined with its own style tricks to create some profoundly impactful battles. Let’s get to it!
Well, that wasn’t a very encouraging first comment, though I guess stuff like that ought to be white noise for someone that sifts through those Top 30 comments.
It’s a shame that the series doesn’t execute on such a synapse stimulating level consistently, but it’s aware of when exactly to show all of its unique cards. Better than most adaptations in that it plays them at all at least.