Fall 2022 – Week 9 in Review

Alright folks, gather in, gather in, we’ve got a pile of films to get through and not much time to do it. This week I’ve got a mixed selection of recent horror features and theatrical Naruto presentations, as we charged through not one, not two, but three Shippuden films over the last few days. After the relative disappointment of the first two Shippuden features, I’m happy to report that this batch was much stronger on the whole, with both films three and five standing among the strongest in the overall franchise. That plus the aforementioned horror features kept us pretty busy, though we’re also running distressingly close to Boruto’s most recent episodes. I’m gonna have to come up with a comfort anime replacement soon, but in the meantime, here’s the Week in Review!

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Fall 2022 – Week 8 in Review

Hello everyone, and welcome the heck back to Wrong Every Time. We’re actually nearing the end of the year at this point, which means it’s time again for me to rise from my gleefully untimely mode of anime viewing, and actually consider what the year’s best anime were. It doesn’t seem like we’re getting anything on the level of a Heike Story this year, but I’ve definitely gotta check out Orbital Children, The Girl From The Other Side, and the year’s most impressive films, alongside the fall season’s top productions. I’ll be getting to all of that soon enough, but in the meantime, today I bring you a fresh collection of cinematic reflections, ranging from a classic of French cinema to a goofy Dwayne Johnson vehicle with lots to say about Bush-era America. Let’s break ‘em all down in the Week in Review!

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Fall 2022 – Week 7 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I regret to announce that winter has finally arrived; an oppressive chill has fallen upon New England, and I doubt we’ll be seeing a warm day for a good five or six months. I absolutely hate the cold, and am frankly not too keen on the heat, either; to be honest, the whole concept of “seasons” has always felt a little suspect to me. I suppose they’re at least useful for adding unique dynamics to fiction, but my own life doesn’t require the neat dramatic hurdle of twelve inches of snow separating me from my destination. I suppose the winter at least gives me more of an excuse to tuck in and watch movies though, and today I’ve got a fresh selection of features for you all, ranging from modern horror revivals to more goddamn Naruto. Let’s break ‘em all down in the Week in Review!

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Fall 2022 – Week 6 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. It seems we’ve reached the halfway point of the fall season, though to be honest, most of the anime I’ve watched this season has just been more Boruto. What can I say, the Naruto world is actually pretty compelling when Kishimoto isn’t writing it, and Boruto hits with a special combination of slice of life shenanigans, grounded family drama, and occasional action flourishes that make it easy to munch through ten or twenty episodes. Of course, I’m also keeping up with One Piece and The Witch From Mercury, so I’m not entirely out of the airing anime loop, but seriously: if you liked Naruto conceptually but were disappointed by its actual storytelling, I would urge you to try out his son’s adventures. That aside, this has also been a fertile week in non-anime media, so let’s break down some fresh stories in the Week in Review!

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Fall 2022 – Week 5 in Review

Hey folks, and welcome the heck back to Wrong Every Time. Today I come to you equipped with ghouls, goblins, and tales of rapturous fantasy, as is only fitting for this most Halloweeny of weeks. Yes, I know Halloween was on Monday, but that’s still closer to this Week in Review than the previous one, so that’s what I’m conceptually going with here. Regardless, this has been a relatively fruitful week of film screenings, including classics of both horror and romance, as well our continuing adventures through the Naruto film canon. Back on the home front, I’ve also been gearing up for the climax to act one of my house’s D&D campaign, where I’m thinking their last opponent might turn out to be an In The Hills, The Cities-style colossus of melded human flesh. Too much? Maybe too much. Still tinkering with that one, I’ll get back to you. In the meantime, let’s break down some films!

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Fall 2022 – Week 4 in Review

Hey folks, and welcome on back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’ve got a somewhat lopsided collection of thoughts for you all, with plenty of the requisite horror findings, but also an impressively terrible fantasy film, as well as the final must-watch production of this exceedingly generous fall season. That’s right, I did indeed check out Bocchi the Rock, and must admit you were all correct in saying I really ought to do so. Turns out when you team up a dynamite production team with some genuinely witty source material, great things are likely to happen. We’ll get to Bocchi soon enough, but let’s first start off with some gleefully sleazy horror sequels, before we wind our way back to animation. It’s time to burn down the latest Week in Review!

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Fall 2022 – Week 3 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. I’m delighted to announce that this week I actually did the goddamn thing, and checked out around half a dozen of the season’s new airing anime. Gundams, shonen hits, anime-originals; you name it, I watched it (so long as your names coincide with the handful of buzz-heavy productions I actually screened). The fall season is proving to be a historically odd moment in anime production; we’re receiving a wide array of prestige productions, but the industry is in complete crisis mode in terms of staff and scheduling, meaning even some massively hyped productions are already showing cracks. We’ll likely be seeing a variety of production collapses in the weeks to come, but for now, this appears to be one of the most stacked anime seasons in years. Let’s break it down!

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Fall 2022 – Week 2 in Review

Hey folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Look, I know last time that I mentioned I’d be watching some seasonal anime, and that is still absolutely going to happen, but today I nonetheless must admit I only bear gifts of movie reviews. But hey, some of those movies are anime! That still counts, right? We’ve got some Takahata, we’ve got some apocryphal Naruto adventures, and we’ve got the usual scattering of live-action productions, this time including a double feature of “what if fate was kind of an asshole” films. I’ll demand my housemates screen the requisite quantities of chainsaw men and mercurian witches shortly, but in the meantime, please enjoy this peace offering of random film thoughts. Let’s get to it!

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Fall 2022 – Week 1 in Review

Hey folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. The fall season has officially begun, and we’re already being treated to a deluge of genuinely intriguing seasonal contenders. The Witch from Mercury was already on my radar, but hearing that Hiroshi Kobayashi is going full Kiznaiver and Ichiro Okouchi is going full Utena has me even more excited to check it out. Without a feature film draining resources, My Hero Academia is looking more visually impressive than it has in quite some time, while I can’t even guess just how impressive Mob and One Punch Man’s debuts will be. It’s an exciting time in seasonal anime, and I’m frankly tempted to emerge from my slumber and embrace the weekly grind once more. Not right now, of course; I still haven’t seen anything at the moment, but I imagine I’ll have some debut thoughts ready for next week. For now, let’s explore a fresh set of feature films, as we burn down the latest Week in Review!

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Summer 2022 – Week 13 in Review

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we are sadly reaching that point in the anime season where we can no longer even pretend it’s still summer, as the season’s shows air their final episodes and we wait for the onset of the fall deluge. Fortunately, as someone who has already escaped from the seasonal viewing grind, I have ascended to a point where time has no meaning beyond the steady shift of the sun’s gaze and the encroaching winds of winter. As long as it’s still warm out it’s still summer to me, and I’m going to enjoy it for as long as this blighted New England landscape lets me. As for the week in media, my usual film selections were once again complimented by a touch of animated razzle-dazzle, as we continued our Naruto investigations by sampling its first feature film. Let’s see what treasures await as we run down the latest Week in Review!

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