Summer 2024 – Week 4 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome the heck back to Wrong Every Time. This week I hit another milestone in my backlog progress, as I finally watched the last Rebuild of Evangelion film, 3.0+1.0. I’d been saving the viewing until after I finished my original Eva writeups, and am quite happy I did so; the film offered a worthy sendoff to the franchise at large, and I am currently hard at work chiseling an article to match. In contrast with the relatable myopia of the original series, the Rebuilds offer a path beyond Evangelion altogether, grasping towards a world where human connection need not be quite so torturous, and where we might learn not just to coexist, but to work together in building a gentler future. Anyway, I’ll have more to say about that once my piece is finished, but in the meantime, this week also featured its requisite share of film viewings. Let’s get to it!

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Summer 2024 – Week 3 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. This week has been a productive one on a variety of fronts, as I’ve been clearing out the last of my outstanding essay projects while also catching up on anime of both recent and venerable vintage. My viewing party just finished season one of the excellent Delicious in Dungeon, which now stands proudly beside Edgerunners among my favorite Trigger properties. Given my distaste for Imaishi’s dramatic preferences, I suppose it’s little surprise that I most enjoy Trigger’s more far-flung adaptations, but I nonetheless had a fantastic time with Laois and his crew. I’ve also been continuing my Gundam journey with Victory Gundam, which so far has proven one of the most tightly composed and altogether satisfying Gundams since the original series. And then of course, there have been The Films, a wandering collection of features spurred by idle whimsy, recommendations on Twitter, or just whatever happens to show up on Netflix. Let’s get to it!

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Summer 2024 – Week 2 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. This week I am sorry to announce that I watched some deeply obnoxious movies, which I’m sure sounds like a good time to all you vultures out there. I honestly do not pick out films intending to hate-watch them; I am always looking to be fulfilled, enlightened, or at least just entertained, while watching a bad movie to me just feels like being stuck in traffic for two hours, waiting for the journey to end so I can get on to something genuinely enriching. Nonetheless, a wide enough trawling of features will inevitably result in some stinkers, and this week my fearless embrace of any and all horror films resulted in some painful misses. Let’s break both them and one fantastic consolation prize down as we storm through the latest Week in Review!

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Summer 2024 – Week 1 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. This week I largely spent my precious, beautiful summer days cooped up inside, furiously replaying Elden Ring so I could then leap into Shadow of the Erdtree. I’m happy to report that I’m now getting my ass kicked somewhere in the Shadow Lands, and will likely have more coherent thoughts on FromSoft’s latest in the near future. But for now, all that time playing and trading off on Elden Ring also left plenty of opportunities for new film screenings, alongside a swift viewing of the unexpectedly renowned League of Legends spinoff Arcane. Let’s run down the spoils!

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Spring 2024 – Week 13 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I come to you with a fresh pile of films and more besides, as my house has just recently concluded our screening of Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water. The show ended up falling significantly below my expectations in terms of overall quality, but it was nonetheless quite interesting to see GAINAX struggling through their first television production, establishing many of the concepts that would go on to inform Evangelion, and otherwise fumbling through an oddly lopsided mixture of Lupin, World Masterpiece Theater, and Space Battleship Yamato. With Nadia done, I’m guessing we’ll be continuing our Gundam journey with Victory Gundam, and also finishing off the surprisingly addictive League of Legends: Arcane. But for now, let’s run down the spoils of our latest Week in Review!

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Spring 2024 – Week 12 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Though it is technically the end of the spring anime season, the summer heat is currently reducing my cat to a sad puddle, and I am not faring much better myself. I have been attempting to beat the heat by preoccupying myself with essential anime viewing, and have so far made it just over halfway through Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water. The show has been an interesting watch so far, more educational than fully entertaining, but certainly a worthy sort of education. Watching Nadia, it is easy to see elements that Gainax would reiterate in Neon Genesis Evangelion, but also hard to believe how they jumped from this show’s proudly rudimentary characterization to the thoughtful interrogations of its successor. I’ll have more thoughts on that when I finish, but for now, let’s burn through a fresh selection of films!

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Spring 2024 – Week 11 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. This week I’m riding high on the back of another successful DnD session, as I lead my players through a post-campaign island adventure with a clear Indiana Jones coat of paint. It’s becoming a tricky thing to provide meaningful challenges for my party of heroes; DnD is reasonably well-balanced from around level four to level twelve (the point where Baldur’s Gate 3 wisely caps you), but after that you reach the point where rogues simply can’t be discovered, warriors can barely be harmed, and magic users can either fly or teleport past any physical hurdle.

As a result, old standbys like pit traps and pressure plates start to become more endearing than genuinely threatening, forcing me to come up with inventive new ways to either kill the party or trick them into killing themselves. Basically all of my experiments in this regard were successful, so I’m feeling more confident than ever that I can maintain a stream of worthy challenges for my near-demigod-level players. And of course, there was also plenty of time dedicated to screening whatever film features caught my fancy. Let’s check ‘em out!

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Spring 2024 – Week 10 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome the heck back to Wrong Every Time. This week my housemate at last finished his rampage through Critical Role’s second campaign, featuring The Mighty Nein as reluctant would-be saviors of the realm. The campaign left me with increasingly mixed feelings throughout; while the actual cast of player characters was engaging, it felt like most of their arcs were left unresolved, and the party was so conflict-averse that they largely avoided the big dramatic setpieces their DM had planned. By the end, the campaign felt almost like a cautionary tale regarding the necessity of DM supervision, and I’m curious to see if the announced animated adaptation significantly improves the story, by actually including the conflicts (continent at war, emergence of elder gods) that the players chose to ignore. Regardless, having that campaign behind us has left plenty of time for film screenings, so let’s dive into the Week in Review!

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Spring 2024 – Week 9 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome the heck back to Wrong Every Time. It would seem that summer has finally unleashed its fiery tendrils, as I am currently laboring under an oppressive, obnoxiously humid heat that has reduced my cat to a wilting blob on the sofa. Nonetheless, I remain steadfast in my dedication to bringing you only the freshest film reviews, be they features of yesteryear or alluring new productions. This week we actually caught up on a variety of recent films, checking out the latest escapades of the reliable Jason Statham while also continuing our journey through the world of Dragon Ball. Much screening time has also been dedicated to my housemate’s rampage through Critical Role’s second campaign, an adventure that has increasingly played like a cautionary tale regarding the role of the dungeon master. I might actually write up some thoughts about that campaign as a whole once we’ve reached the end, but for now, let’s break down the week in films!

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Spring 2024 – Week 8 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am proud to announce that I’ve actually fucking done it – my last episodic Evangelion writeup is already sitting in my drafts, and I’m feeling confident it’s one of my best so far. Charging through this last act of the show in a matter of weeks turned out to be the perfect way to approach it; I could feel the same sense of desperation and longing as our poor pilots, calling back to the many times I marathoned Evangelion back in high school and college. The show is still just as poignant and insightful as it struck me back when it was permanently reshaping my brain chemistry, and I feel fortunate to have this chance at articulating just how much it means to me. Anyway, those will be popping up over the next few weeks, but for now I’ve got a fresh selection of film features for your perusal. Let’s get to it!

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