Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. We report to you now from the first round of the summer tournament, where the top-seeded team and last year’s winners Tosei are facing off against the largely unknown Nishiura, whose roster appears to consist of largely freshmen players. Predictions weren’t calling for much of a competition today, but you know what, I gotta hand it to these Nishiura newcomers – whether it’s Tosei’s star pitcher Takase showing some nerves or whatever you’d call it, the freshmen are really putting up a fight.
We’re now at the top of the second inning, with Nishiura once again mounting a strong offensive in the face of Takase’s pitching. That said, the real story of this game might well be Nishiura pitcher Mihashi Ren, who knocked Nishiura out of the first inning in six pitches flat. Could that simply be beginner’s luck, or are we witnessing the first prelude of a new dynasty? Regardless, it’s turning into an all-out slugfest as both teams grapple for first blood. Let’s get back to it!