Blue Reflection Ray – Episode 6

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m eager to return to Blue Reflection Ray, after an episode that proved the series’ strongest yet. With our core team of Ruka, Hiori, Miyako, and Momo established, the team set to work hunting down “Princess Yuki,” who appeared to possess the power to remove the Fragments of others. However, this turned out to be a ruse – the true Yuki was being manipulated by the sadistic Uta, who only wished her to become so isolated that her own fragment would naturally emerge.

Alongside serving as a fine mystery caper in its own right, that episode offered a satisfyingly nuanced exploration of social media’s positive and negative potential. To those who are isolated within their own lives, the internet can become a lifeline, a path to community and mutual support. But at the same time, the inherent distancing effect and public nature of online discourse can make anyone a lightning rod for abuse, offering a sobering reminder that anonymous strangers make fickle confidants.

As an antidote to this crowdsourcing of intimacy, Miyako offered herself, making a genuine, vulnerable connection with the lonely Yukiko. I quite liked how this resulted in the episode ending without a fight altogether; rather than banishing Yukiko’s negative feelings via magic, Miyako actually challenged the emotional root of the problem. She’s already proven a key voice of reason within the group, and I’m looking forward to seeing how her journey continues from here. Let’s get to it!

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Blue Reflection Ray – Episode 5

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we’re diving back into Blue Reflection Ray, which most recently offered us the stinger of our delinquent Momo straight-up joining the rest of the cast’s high school class. Apparently no longer content to drive her motorcycle around looking cool all day, Momo has rejoined productive society, which will presumably give her far more chances to bond with Ruka, Hiori, and Miyako. Our team in general are starting to grow far closer; though Momo and Hiori are extremely different people, their contrasts are proving a fine basis for communication, a process facilitated through Miyako’s charmingly annoying provocations.

Aside from that, our recent drama has hewed to a reliable magical girl template, offering episodic dilemmas centered on the team’s schoolmates much in the manner of Sailor Moon or Ojamajo Doremi. Such conveniently resolved challenges are a natural complement to this “getting to know you” phase of the narrative, and if I were to guess, I’d hazard that we’re in for another side drama intended to push forward Momo and Miyako’s relationship. That’s perfectly fine by me; both of them are endearingly messy characters, with Miyako in particular proving the show’s standout so far. Let’s see how our team is evolving as we return to Blue Reflection Ray!

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Blue Reflection Ray – Episode 4

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I thought we’d check back in on Blue Reflection Ray, and see how our heroes are faring in the wake of their successful rescue operation. Saving Miyako from the red reflectors ultimately required a brave step forward from Ruka, as she pushed past her anxieties to stand up for a person who was hurting, and thereby become the kind of person who can actually reach out to others. That in turn echoed the very reason she was fighting for Miyako: for no matter how painful our feelings, if we choose to learn from them rather than tuck them away, there is always hope we will do better next time.

It’s a fine dividing line between our blue and red reflectors, tethering that familiar conceit of “powerful emotions conjure powerful magic” to the further question of how precisely we choose to process those emotions. I’ll be interested in seeing how this metaphor develops, but in more immediate terms, I am also eager for the snarky, self-important Miyako to spend more time aggravating our initial pair. The irritants in these groups often turn out to be my favorite characters, and Miyako has so far proven to be an extremely charming brand of irritating. Let’s get to it!

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Blue Reflection Ray – Episode 3

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I figured we’d check back in on the drama of Blue Reflection Ray, on the precipice of our first formal magical girl battle. With Miyako’s life hanging in the balance, blue and red Reflectors are squaring off in a kaleidoscopic nightmare realm, intent on either saving Miyako from her self-hatred or conditioning her into a pure avatar of suffering. Can Hiori handle these foes, and will Ruka rise to the challenge and join her!?

Well, probably, though I imagine we’ll be in for some bitter struggles on the road. Personally, I’m intrigued both to see how this show handles a full-on battle, and also just eager to get back to the banter between our leads, particularly if Miyako’s about to join them. Her bitter snark seems like the perfect counterpoint to Ruka’s timidity and Hiori’s false cheer, and I’d love for her to encourage Hiori to really feel mad about her unhappy family life. The show appears to be establishing a binary of positive and negative emotional powers that seems ripe for immediate deconstruction, and with our leads’ circumstances largely established, I’m eager to see more of the show’s actual hand. Let’s get to it!

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Blue Reflection Ray – Episode 2

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I figured we’d check back in on Blue Reflection Ray, after a first episode that offered us a bounty of fantastical inventions and an impressive spread of new characters. Fortunately, both the show’s worldbuilding and character beats so far have proven familiar enough to make for an easy on-boarding; we’ve got our core contrast of the somber Ruka and energetic Hiori, we’ve got a second layer of magical girl mayhem seemingly linked to these gemstone rings, and we’ve got some ambiguous antagonists with a similar interest in these would-be magical girls, seemingly intent on claiming their energy before they can “bloom” into their true powers.

Alongside all of that relatively conventional worldbuilding, we’ve also got some mysteries to resolve regarding the prior generation of magical girls, and what their fates imply for our current heroines. It seems clear that Hiori’s sister was a Reflector in the past, and that her absence still hangs heavily over Hiori. Additionally, the final moments of the first episode seemed to imply an obvious path of development for Ruka as well: learning from Hiori’s gallant example, and becoming a Reflector strong enough to protect her in turn, thereby filling the role of emotional pillar that her sister used to provide. With our loose predictions set, let’s see what actually awaits us!

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Blue Reflection Ray – Episode 1

Hello folks, and welcome on back to Wrong Every Time. Today we’re embarking on a brand new adventure, as we check out the first episode of the recent magical girl drama Blue Reflection Ray. The show is apparently a spin-off of the 2017 RPG Blue Reflection, which I recall a fair number of my friends enjoyed back on release, as well as a precursor to the franchise’s second game, Blue Reflection: Second Light. Aside from that, I confess I know next to nothing about either the games or show’s actual content; my general impression is “magical girls and intimate drama in a modern urban setting,” but that’s about all I’ve got.

As for the show’s production team, director Risako Yoshida has risen through the key animation grind to arrive at consistent directorial positions within the last five years or so, meaning we’ll hopefully be appreciating their animator’s eye for staging drama. Meanwhile, this is actually series composer Akiko Waba’s first full composition, having previously written scattered episodic scripts for a variety of productions (not too many notables, though A Lull in the Sea was probably effective training for this sort of story). Though it technically possesses the “source material” of the first game, as an anime-original narrative, I’m hoping the series will embrace the unique opportunities of shows that aren’t beholden to source expectations. Anime-originals are preposterously over-represented among the best anime for a variety of reasons most people are too polite to go into, so with any luck that’ll hold true for Blue Reflection Ray. With this admittedly limited context to go on, let’s check out the first episode!

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