Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am ensconced securely in my bedroom-office, savoring one of the few aspects of winter I actually enjoy: sitting inside while snow falls beyond my window, luxuriating in the fact that I’m in here and all that chilly white stuff is stuck out there. Yes, I will eventually have to go outside and unbury my car and get some goddamn provisions, but for now the snow is just a lovely change of scenery, a shroud concealing the dirt and dead leaves of New England in January. I’m not sure what it says about me that my appreciation for inclement weather depends entirely on the light schadenfreude of reveling in it not being my problem, but I have decided to forgive myself this unkindness, in light of everything else about winter sucking so terribly. And with the outdoors being so hostile, I’ve certainly had plenty of time to watch new movies, at least. Let’s run down a fresh collection of features in a brand-spanking-new Week in Review!
Tag Archives: Film
Winter 2024 – Week 1 in Review
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time, as well as to motherfucking 2024. I’m hoping this year will be an improvement on the last, which, considering that my house burned down, probably shouldn’t be that much of a struggle. Unfortunately it’s also an election year, meaning there’s a fair chance 2024 will conclude in chaos and total anarchy, but I suppose we must take the bad with the good. All we can really hope to do is improve our lives and those of our loved ones on a personal level, and with that in mind, I’m happy to have initiated a new weekly film-viewing regimen that will hopefully expand both the number and variety of my cinematic screenings. Let’s start the year off strong with a robust selection of features, as we ramble through 2024’s first Week in Review!
Fall 2023 – Week 12 in Review
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m happy to report that I’ve mostly shaken off the illness of last week, which indeed proved to be an unwanted but altogether mild bout of Covid. I have emerged from sickness with arms swinging, having barreled through a variety of games, films, and shows as I try to cram as many last-minute additions as possible into the year’s variable attractions. With both One Piece Odyssey and Scott Pilgrim Takes Off concluded, my house is now indulging in what has become an unexpected Projekt Red tradition: playing through one of their games while simultaneously munching on the relevant TV adaptation. Considering what a good time we had both watching and playing through The Witcher at once, we’re now both watching and playing through Cyberpunk, and having a very reasonable time of it. I’ll have more to say on those projects soon, but for now, let’s run down a fresh selection of films, shows, and what have you in the Week in Review!
Fall 2023 – Week 11 in Review
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am suffering under the weight of an illness that I’m hoping against hope isn’t COVID, and can only pray you’re all having a much easier time of it this December. Fortunately, I’ve stacked up so many film and series screenings over the past few weeks that our reviews are under no threat of abating; in fact, I’ve actually increased my review buffer substantially, while continuing my march through the year’s most noteworthy animated offerings. This week I finished off Pluto and immediately dove into Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, a show which took the inherently inessential nature of a Scott Pilgrim adaptation and turned it into a proud statement of purpose. I’ll have more to say on Scott next week, but for now, let’s run down Pluto and some fresh seasonal offerings in the Week in Review!
Fall 2023 – Week 10 in Review
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. This week I’ve been continuing my efforts to catch up on all of the year’s outstanding, er, outstanding anime, following up on Vinland Saga and The Witch From Mercury with the recently released adaptation of Pluto. I’ve been quite enjoying the production, and will likely have full thoughts on that one for next week, which will hopefully leave me with enough time to sneak in Scott Pilgrim before the year’s end. Anything else I’m missing? I’m already mostly through MyGO, and happily munching through Skip and Loafer whenever a new episode is funded, so I suppose the last question is whether Freiren is worth a viewing. But recent anime aside, my house has also been storming through a variable hodgepodge of feature films, ranging from ‘70s thrillers to horror hot off the press, and they’ve all left me with some urgent thoughts to share. Let’s burn down a fresh collection of films in the Week in Review!
Fall 2023 – Week 9 in Review
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. With my new apartment now more or less settling into a peaceful routine, all of the humbler creatures within our film screening ecosystem are at last returning to the forest. In less metaphorically incoherent terms, that means we’ve been slotting in more dubious afternoon features to accompany our distinguished evening viewings, and once again plumbing the depths of Netflix, Hulu, and Tubi’s exceedingly variable collections. To be honest, I can’t even fully blame this on my housemates – I’ve made a couple wild swings of my own with recent recommendations, and bear no small part of blame in our recent parade of trash. Nonetheless, the critiques will carry on – whether recommending new favorites or serving as a cautionary tale for others, I take my screenings extremely seriously, and come to you today with a fresh helping of carefully scrutinized cinema. Let’s get to it!
Fall 2023 – Week 8 in Review
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. This week saw my viewing party finishing off some key TV series in addition to our film viewings, as I continue in my attempt to actually offer some quasi-timely commentary on the year’s superior anime. So yes, I’ve finally written up The Witch From Mercury, only to be immediately informed that the new Scott Pilgrim production is actually really good. Look, if folks are just going to keep creating great art while I catch up on the previous thing, I can’t really see myself ever getting ahead in this whole creator-critic paradigm here. Nonetheless, I will press valiantly onward and continue to watch good things, for that is the pledge I have made to you, dear readers. Let’s see what fresh treasures I rummaged up in the Week in Review!
Fall 2023 – Week 7 in Review
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Having now gotten fully settled into my new accommodations, I am happy to report that life indeed finds a way, and thus I’m returning to the voluminous and variable film gorging of my pre-fire era. This week featured classics of fantasy and film noir, plentiful action spectacles, and of course, the requisite helping of humble horror fare. We screened enough films that I’m actually building up my backlog again, while still gathering my thoughts on the enjoyable yet somewhat underwhelming Witch From Mercury. That’ll likely be coming next week, but for now, let’s break down a fresh collection of feature films!
Fall 2023 – Week 6 in Review
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am chronicling my weekly exploits from a sun-drenched seat in a brand new apartment, having spent the last week lugging bureaus, beds, and copious electronics out from storage and into our new house. I’m still obviously in the midst of an adjustment period here; I’m not used to sleeping on the same floor where Eevee rests, meaning I’m still getting acquainted with her habit of demanding first In and then Out all throughout the morning. Nonetheless, it feels absolutely wonderful to at last have some space of my own. I frankly hadn’t realized how much day-to-day anxiety I’d been carrying around for the last several months, until I at last had a chance to slump back in my chair with full certainty that this is my space, not some room I was being briefly and conditionally granted. And of course, my viewing party has obviously seized this opportunity to get back into our regularly scheduled screenings, so I’ve got a healthy dollop of film reflections to share with you all. Let’s sit back and settle in for the Week in Review!
Fall 2023 – Week 5 in Review
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. I’ve currently got an army of fire ants performing parade drills across my skull, as the approach of apartment move-in day has my nerves powerfully jangling. Nonetheless, I’m also thrilled by the prospect of once again having some room to myself, and know well that in a few days, all of this chaotic commotion will hopefully be behind us. I’m still not sure how my scrawny-ass arms are going to carry furniture into the new place, but that’s a problem for tomorrow – in the meantime, my film and general media consumption has continued on schedule, with this week’s selections including our regular horror features, a recent fandom phenomenon, and as much Witch from Mercury as I can manage. Let’s see how our newest offerings fared in the Week in Review!