Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End – Episode 9

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’d like to return to the ramblings of Frieren and her companions, as we arrive at the presumed conclusion of our party’s battle with Aura the Guillotine and her duplicitous envoys. This arc has frankly not been Frieren at its best; dubious thematic implications aside, enemies that are simply “born evil” do not result in interesting drama. There is no motivation to tease into there, no grappling with the infinitely complex range of conflicts that can pit multifaceted characters into mortal combat without a clear sense of right and wrong. And what’s more, such enemies do a discredit to the heroes they face, forcing them into the frustrating moral binary of “either I execute these creatures mercilessly or I am simply a naive fool, hoping for a redemption that is beyond their fundamental nature.”

It’s a rough storytelling choice, one entirely lacking in the nuance that has characterized Frieren’s exploration of nostalgia and finding purpose in life. My only consolation is that, in spite of the author directing her demons to explicitly state “we are evil and there’s nothing else to it,” their general actions have clearly demonstrated they actually do have personalities, individual values and passions that define them. Truly “driven by pure malice and nothing else” characters are actually kind of hard to write, being so far from the genuine experience of any human being who has ever lived. Thus Frieren’s insistence that they be exterminated feels frequently undercut by the text, either intentionally or accidentally implying it is not that her world runs according to ‘70s DnD logic, but that she herself has embraced a conveniently simplistic perspective that doesn’t actually account for the world’s complexities. That’s of a piece with Frieren’s overarching personality, and it is the main hope I cling to as we return to the field. Let’s get to it!

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Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End – Episode 8

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I figured we’d stop in with Frieren and the gang, and see how their journey towards the land of departed souls is progressing. When last we left off, the team had run into a snag in the northern territories, with Frieren ending up imprisoned due to her unwillingness to make nice with demons. Unfortunately for everyone, it has since been made clear that Frieren was actually right to distrust, as apparently the illusion of civility is simply a garb demons adopt in order to lower the guards of their enemies.

In the abstract, this style of “humanity’s enemies are inherently evil” worldbuilding has fallen out of fashion in recent decades, for understandable reasons. Intelligent races that are “born evil” simply don’t tend to facilitate interesting stories, and instead naturally evoke a sort of “we are right to conquer the savage natives” colonial queasiness. Robbing cultural clashes of their moral complexity is a dicey proposition, so I’m hoping this particular choice dovetails in some meaningful way with Frieren’s thoughts on aging and legacy, the realms in which it truly shines. Let’s see how our sleepy elf is getting on!

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Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End – Episode 7

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m eager to return to the wanderings of Frieren and her companions, as the warrior Stark joins them on their journey to the land where souls rest. Having bound himself to one village due to his fear of unsuitability as a warrior, Stark ultimately learned he was far stronger than he’d imagined, dispatching the dragon that haunted him without ever requiring the assistance of his accompanying mages.

Stark’s tale served as a fine embellishment on Frieren’s core themes, emphasizing how easily our perspective can become bound by self-imposed limitations, but also how a happy life can be found practically anywhere, so long as we remain open to experience and present in the lives of those around us. It was only Stark’s untested self-image that kept him tethered to his village, but fear soon shifted to a sense of responsibility, and from that to a genuine love of his community. Whether we roam widely or commit ourselves to our homes, the world is full of wonders that only ask us to keep our eyes and ears open, ready to appreciate what is precious in each new day. Let’s see what our adventurers ramble into this time!

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Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End – Episode 6

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I thought we’d step back into the world of Frieren, as our heroes prepare for a confrontation with an imposing dragon. Having been instantly rebuffed by the monster’s mighty scales, Frieren has decided it is time for the party to acquire a front-line fighter, that she might be afforded more time to conjure a properly armor-piercing sorcery. Thus our pair headed off to recruit Stark, the ax-wielding apprentice of Frieren’s old companion Eisen, only to find he’d been studiously avoiding confrontation with the dragon for three years.

It’s no surprise that our party of two mages are now in the market for some kind of warrior, but Frieren has so far avoided straightforward fantasy action, with each of its conflicts ultimately resolving in some quiet revelation regarding the nature of memory, personal relations, or finding purpose in your life’s journey. I’ll be intrigued to see how Stark facilitates these dramas, as he actually seems like the most “normal” member of the group, at least compared to Frieren’s elven sensibilities and Fern’s trauma-born perspective. With a dragon battle awaiting us, let’s meet back up with our brave heroes!

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Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End – Episode 5

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today a late summer storm is currently raging beyond my window, fleets of rain shaking the trees as I sit quietly ensconced in my bedroom. It’s a scene much like the comfort of watching snow fall from beside a warm fire, a snug feeling of safety within a tumultuous world, and the whole scene has me thinking it’s just about time for an episode of Frieren.

Frieren has so far proven itself a show all about enjoying moments like these, the incidental fragments of impossible beauty scattering our passage through life. When we are preoccupied with distant goals and tangible landmarks, we have a tendency to miss the observations and indulgences that ultimately furnish our memories, transforming a list of tasks accomplished into a journey rich in unexpected wonders. Whether it’s in narrative drama or our own lives, the incidental, ephemeral things matter more than we might think, adding distinct texture to our experiences, and texturing our own personalities and memories in turn. Let’s see what memories our pair make next as their journey continues!

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Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End – Episode 4

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I thought we’d check back in Frieren and Fern’s rambling journey, as they pay back the debts of the past and chart out an unknown future. A lifetime is a very long thing for an elf, but with Fern at her side, Frieren is being forced to embrace at least a touch of urgency. Is life best appreciated as a long arc towards an uncertain destination, or as a series of individual challenges and experiences? Frieren’s perspective invites us to consider both, with a melancholy assurance that no matter your perspective, precious things will inevitably slip through your fingers.

Our last episode explored the vagaries of time’s passage from a new angle, emphasizing how the grand lifespans of fantastical beings can make them ill-equipped to counter the curiosity and industry of mankind. Time moves slower when it is in abundance, as the young blithely accept and the old are unfortunate to know well. An ageless being might see its power as similarly ageless, but the returning Qual found himself outgunned by progress, his once-singular powers now incorporated into the bedrock of magical inquiry. You could take that as a lesson in clinging to past glories, an assurance that seemingly insurmountable hurdles often just require dedicated consideration, or a rueful acknowledgment that mankind will always find a way to build a better gun – regardless, it serves as a fine extrapolation of Frieren’s fundamental questions. With an open road before them, let’s see what new questions await the mage and her apprentice!

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Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End – Episode 3

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I thought we might check back in on the gentle drama of Freiren: Beyond Journey’s End, and see what our perpetually unbothered mage and her young apprentice are getting up to. Our last episode actually covered a great deal of ground, taking us from the last years of Heiter’s life through the first years of Fern’s wandering with Frieren, which turned out to involve a lot less glamor than Fern was expecting. Helping with errands, gathering niche magical proficiencies, and venerating those who came before: Frieren’s passions are not exactly the peak of fantastical drama, and that is precisely what makes this production special.

In our frequently action-obsessed animated media ecosystem, the idea of fantasy not being a route to power, but instead a tool for achieving greater understanding, appreciation, and integration into the world around us makes for a lovely change of pace. And Frieren doesn’t simply luxuriate in its unique atmosphere; through the course of its meditative vignettes, it takes the long view in grappling with the idea of a “life well-lived,” using its heroine’s unique perspective to consider how we might pass each moment without regret, as well as the legacy we will ultimately leave behind us. Great acts of momentary glory tend to fade in memory; what remains is often intimate and incidental, allegedly idle moments shared with the people we love. Let’s see what our wandering mages get up to this time!

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Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End – Episode 2

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am eager to continue traveling beyond the journey’s end, catching up with Frieren and maybe learning something about human nature or nostalgia in the process. Frieren’s first episode demonstrated a refreshingly meditative approach to fantasy drama, focusing not on some big arbitrary external threat, but on the simple, inescapable melancholy of growing older, watching things you love pass into memory, and finding some peace with what you have left.

While defeating a demon king might not be easy, I’d imagine finding purpose and satisfaction in such an objective certainly is. But for the rest of us, the process of identifying and appreciating what is most important to us is not quite so obvious. We are driven by dreams that are frequently unfulfilled, beset by anxieties that are often as not unresolvable; life is riddled with such disappointments, and the great task of living is not “defeating” these challenges, but learning to find joy in the imperfect messes we make of ourselves. Frieren blinked, and the man who loved her was nearing his death – how might she go forward and live such that future happiness will not similarly pass her by? Let’s find out!

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Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End – Episode 1

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we’re setting off on a new journey, or more precisely beyond a journey’s end, as we check out the first episode of the recent and much-loved Frieren. There was a great deal of buzz surrounding Frieren prior to its release, and it’s not hard to see why; in this era of modern otaku being constantly flung into Dragon Quest-reminiscent worlds, an honest-to-god committed fantasy drama is an inherent and very welcome change of pace. And beyond that, Frieren’s novel twist on genre convention provides an additional pull: the allure of a more somber, reflective story, one primarily concerned with finding value and beauty in life after the great adventures are over.

That’s a hook that holds a great deal of appeal to me! It feels adjacent to my beloved “apocalyptic travelog” subgenre (think Girls’ Last Tour or Kemurikusa), stories where the chance for transformative, world-shifting change has already passed, wherein the great challenge lies in coming to a happier understanding of our place in a land at peace. It’s so appealing that I actually wrote a long-form variation of it back in high school, though no, I am not showing you my high school fiction. Anyway, Frieren is also directed by Bocchi the Rock’s fast-rising Keiichirō Saitō, and from what I’ve told, the production is a lush spectacle from start to finish. That’s a fine stack of reasons to be optimistic, so let’s see what we’ve got in the first episode of Frieren!

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