Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I thought we’d take a stroll down to Maho-dou and check in on the ojamajos, who are surely getting up to some preposterous trouble even as we speak. I mean, the last episode saw Doremi considering marriage to a philandering cowboy entirely so she could consume his herd of cows, an engagement that was only thwarted by her learning they were actually dairy cows. Our girls are not exactly the paragons of selflessness and maturity you might expect from magically empowered guardians – they’re just messy, frequently misguided kids, for whom magic is just as often a source of calamity as a solution to it.
Of course, that’s precisely what makes Ojamajo Doremi so compelling. Its characters are multifaceted and self-defeating in ways that don’t just make for great comedy (and excellent faces), but which also demonstrate the actual, unvarnished process of growing up and attempting to find your place in the world. They clash and dream with relatable pettiness and ambition, making their ultimate attempts to make right and help others an example all can aspire to. It is the messy characters who hang closest to our hearts, for there is nothing more human than messing up, and nothing more admirable than seeking kindness in spite of our foibles, than picking ourselves up and trying again. Let’s see how these girls mess up next!