Ojamajo Doremi – Episode 4

Hey everybody! I’d say it’s right about time for a bit more Ojamajo Doremi. The world is a scary place, and sometimes it’s hard to bear with all of it at once, so it’s nice to take a breather with a show with such an upbeat tone and such positive intentions. I remember how when I was an emo teen, I’d scoff at media that embraces positivity as thoroughly as this, since I felt it was “lying” in some unacceptable way. At this point I’ve accepted how crucial it is to bring our own positivity to the world, and great children’s shows are one wonderful way to do that. So let’s dig right in and see what’s going on in Doremi’s world of kinda crappy witches.

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Ojamajo Doremi – Episodes 2-3

We’re back with more Ojamajo Doremi! The show’s first episode was very charming, and I already know these episodes are good too since I’m writing this intro after the fact, so let’s not waste any time. Doremi may not be a particularly good witch, but she’s going to do her… well, maybe she’ll try somewhat. LET’S FIND OUT!

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Ojamajo Doremi – Episode 1

Today we embark on a new notes adventure, checking out the unusually renowned children’s show Ojamajo Doremi! Most of what I know about this one consists of “it has a remarkably high-tier staff,” that staff includes Mamoru Hosoda at some point, and its face game is extremely strong. Children’s anime in general tends to be somewhat better-written than the stuff for teenagers, so I guess we can lump that into the “potential knowledge” pile. Also witches? I believe witches are involved. Either way, I’m down for another exploration of one the shows those sakuga nerds keep going on about. Let’s get right to it!

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