Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we return to the clusterfuck of emotional torment that is Scum’s Wish, as Hana returns from an alleged “heartbreak trip” designed to help her get over her feelings for her teacher, now that she finally mustered up the courage for her doomed confession. Of course, this is Hana we’re talking about, so that grieving process was here combined with a fresh set of entreaties towards her long-suffering friend Ecchan, who she refused to either let in completely or break cleanly away from. As such, both of them remain stuck in a painful limbo, with Hana promising to “wait until Ecchan is ready” to draw closer, ensuring neither of them can properly move on.
That’s how it tends to go in this lovelorn production. And frankly, speaking of “love” in the context of Scum’s Wish seems inappropriate; for if any of these characters are in love with anything, it is more likely their own egos than their various would-be paramours. Hana loves the feeling of being wanted and cared for, the feeling of possessing another, and the sweet anguish of lacking either; her feelings towards her peers are superficial, but her feelings about those feelings are rich and nourishing, enough to sustain an entire inner universe of imagined intimacy.
To this utterly misguided heroine, seemingly starved for love but in truth starved for perspective, our last episode offered an unexpected guide: her onetime rival Moka, who urged her to take a minute and smell the flowers (or savor the Danish, as the case may be). Hana’s feelings of romantic longing are all-consuming specifically because she has let them consume her, because there is nothing in her life but this desire to be wanted. Hana needs to learn who she actually is on her own, what Hana herself enjoys and cares about, beyond how such interests might affect her relationship with her various would-be soulmates. Let’s find out if Hana can Get A Life as we return to Scum’s Wish!