Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I figured we’d check back in on Spy x Family, and see what improbable shenanigans our Forgers have been enduring lately. When last we left off, Becky was still caught in the throes of a Berlint in Love-fueled hysteria, but was ultimately forced to concede Yor was a worthy opponent. That leaves the canvas open for any manner of drama, though given the season’s imminent conclusion, I imagine we’re in for some sort of dramatic coda; likely a low-stakes and somewhat reflective episode, tying a bow on the family’s recent growth.
It’s certainly been a productive season for the Forgers! Loid’s development has been apparent in how often his first thoughts are of Anya, rather than the maintenance of his cover, as well as how frequently he has renegotiated his work-life balance. Meanwhile, Yor has finally received some much-needed nuance and texture, with her cruise ship adventure serving as an affirmation of her new values and commitment to the family. Spy x Family will always be most fundamentally a comedy, but these steady flourishes of characterization and sequences of pure familial harmony do an excellent job of weighting its gags with emotional substance, insisting that supporting the people we love is the only way to truly find satisfaction in this world, and that an aspirational mask worn long enough can actually become our personal truth. Let’s see how our weirdos prove their love as we return to Spy x Family!