Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. We’re still deep in the January doldrums at this point, but I’ve been keeping busy however I can, and it seems my tabletop associates are at last emerging from their hibernation and bellowing for treats. It’s significantly harder to set up DnD sessions now that we don’t share an apartment, but the spirit is willing even if the scheduling is weak. I’ve also been making good on my resolution to get back into traditional fiction this year, and have already written a short story that’d been bouncing around my head for months. Plus I’m still munching through the delightful Metaphor Refantazio, which is so good it’s actually becoming a bit of a problem in terms of getting to other projects. Nonetheless, my film viewings continue apace, and I’ve curated a fresh collection of reflections for you all to peruse at leisure. Let’s get to it!