10 Royal Games Plays Metal Gear Solid V, Part One and Two

Hey guys! The first let’s plays by me and my friends are finally up! We had some initial technical issues getting it all together, but things should hopefully be much more consistent going forward. We started off this week with some Metal Gear Solid, the hot new game everyone’s talking about, and we… well, almost got through the intro cutscene. Look, it’s Metal Gear, these things happen. We’ll hopefully be back again in a couple days with more videos, and until then, you can check out all our stuff so far on youtube!

You can check out our existing videos here:

Part One

Part Two

If you have any comments or suggestions, feel free to let me know either here, on ask.fm, or even on youtube (youtube comments, god forbid). We’re just starting out, so I’m sure there’ll be stuff to adjust as we go along. And I hope you enjoy!

Summer 2015 – Week 8 in Review

Ah crap it’s Wednesday. Things were actually looking pretty dire for the week in review this time, considering Gatchaman Crowds took the week off. That’s basically the only show I’m watching weekly that lends itself to more than a shrugging gladiatorial up-or-down thumb, so with that out of the picture, what could I even talk about? Could I really spin Prison School and Monster Musume into four paragraphs of discussion? Maybe I could… maybe I could just talk about my favorite lunches of the week? Actually that’s not the worst idea, but either way, my worries ended up being unfounded, because this week I watched the entire first season of SYMPHOGEAAAAAAR.

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Ask Bobduh: Storytelling and Videogames, Part One

Management: I mentioned back in… uh, May or something that I was planning on compiling/archiving some of my more worthwhile Ask.fm answers into miniposts on Wrong Every Time. I’ve been distracted by a variety of things since then, but have finally gotten a few together that seem worth keeping, and so here’s the first of them. Enjoy!

Maybe you’ve already answered something like this, but what’s your favorite example of video game storytelling?

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