Yuki Yuna is a Hero (Washio Sumi Chapter) – Episode 4

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I announce with great trepidation that we are returning to Yuki Yuna is a Hero’s Washio Sumi Chapter, after three straight episodes that have been a delightful mix of group bonding and tactically grounded Vertex takedowns. If this were any other show, I’d at this point expect this is the tone we should assume going forward, and simply enjoy the charming vignettes shared by Togo, Gin, and Nogi. But this is goddamn Yuki Yuna, and what’s more, we know precisely the fate awaiting these girls down the line.

As such, Washio Sumi has instead been an exercise in ruthless dramatic irony, inviting us to learn and care about these heroes with full knowledge their journey will end in disaster. This unique perspective has played naturally into the sense of doomed cyclical inevitability represented by the Divine Tree system; it’s as if we’re watching Madoka Magica play out from Homura’s shoulder, certain this path will end in disaster, hoping against reason that catastrophe might be avoided. The original Yuki Yuna played like a senseless tragedy; this plays like a premeditated crime, a long con perpetrated against the most passionate and self-sacrificing among us. If Yuki Yuna is hoping to raise our hackles against the systemic abuse of the young facilitated by jingoism and organized religion, it is certainly succeeding. Good luck out there, girls!

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Yuki Yuna is a Hero (Washio Sumi Chapter) – Episode 3

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I figured we’d check back in on Togo and the gang with a fresh episode of Yuki Yuna is a Hero, as we all collectively wait for the other shoe to drop. Honestly, it feels a bit cruel just to be watching this show; with every episode viewed, we march further away from the charming friendship our leads have established, and closer towards the prophesied violent end of their heroic tenure. The inherent dramatic irony of this prequel saga means we cannot even hope for a happy ending; the “happiest” conclusion here is that the end comes swiftly, and our heroes aren’t strung along bearing false hopes.

In that, Washio Sumi Chapter is cleverly succeeding in further aligning us with Togo’s headspace at the end of the first season, wherein her certainty of eventual destruction led her to rebel against the Divine Tree itself. With failure preordained, the full cycle of the Divine Tree’s cruelty is certain to be realized, and we can witness firsthand how the deterioration of our heroes is interpreted by the true believers of this society. If they cannot be rescued, then they can at least be recognized for their sacrifice – so let us return to the battle, as the gods make their plans and us mortals suffer the consequences!

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Yuki Yuna is a Hero (Washio Sumi Chapter) – Episode 2

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we’re continuing with the journey of Togo, or “Washii” to her new friends, as she and her companions fight bravely in defense of the Divine Tree. Having defeated their first Vertex with only moderate difficulty, the trio have since bonded over some delicious mall gelato, where Nogi assigned Togo her fateful nickname. Thus our long march off a short pier continues, our only assurance being that things will soon get much, much worse.

I’m already steeling myself for that blow, but in the meantime, I’m also quite enjoying this season’s distinct conception of the relationship between heroes and the Divine Tree. Rather than the oblivious Yuki and her friends, Togo’s group have been fully briefed on their responsibilities, and are seen as heroes by their fellow students. Given what’s coming down the line, I could imagine that their fates actually resulted in the dismantling of this hero preparatory academy system; after all, if their classmates can directly connect the deterioration of their friends’ bodies to their work as heroes, it seems far less likely they’d be similarly inclined to sacrifice themselves for a faceless god. Let’s see if that prediction bears fruit as we return to Washi Sumi Chapter!

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