Yuki Yuna is a Hero (Washio Sumi Chapter) – Episode 4

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I announce with great trepidation that we are returning to Yuki Yuna is a Hero’s Washio Sumi Chapter, after three straight episodes that have been a delightful mix of group bonding and tactically grounded Vertex takedowns. If this were any other show, I’d at this point expect this is the tone we should assume going forward, and simply enjoy the charming vignettes shared by Togo, Gin, and Nogi. But this is goddamn Yuki Yuna, and what’s more, we know precisely the fate awaiting these girls down the line.

As such, Washio Sumi has instead been an exercise in ruthless dramatic irony, inviting us to learn and care about these heroes with full knowledge their journey will end in disaster. This unique perspective has played naturally into the sense of doomed cyclical inevitability represented by the Divine Tree system; it’s as if we’re watching Madoka Magica play out from Homura’s shoulder, certain this path will end in disaster, hoping against reason that catastrophe might be avoided. The original Yuki Yuna played like a senseless tragedy; this plays like a premeditated crime, a long con perpetrated against the most passionate and self-sacrificing among us. If Yuki Yuna is hoping to raise our hackles against the systemic abuse of the young facilitated by jingoism and organized religion, it is certainly succeeding. Good luck out there, girls!

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Yuki Yuna is a Hero (Washio Sumi Chapter) – Episode 3

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I figured we’d check back in on Togo and the gang with a fresh episode of Yuki Yuna is a Hero, as we all collectively wait for the other shoe to drop. Honestly, it feels a bit cruel just to be watching this show; with every episode viewed, we march further away from the charming friendship our leads have established, and closer towards the prophesied violent end of their heroic tenure. The inherent dramatic irony of this prequel saga means we cannot even hope for a happy ending; the “happiest” conclusion here is that the end comes swiftly, and our heroes aren’t strung along bearing false hopes.

In that, Washio Sumi Chapter is cleverly succeeding in further aligning us with Togo’s headspace at the end of the first season, wherein her certainty of eventual destruction led her to rebel against the Divine Tree itself. With failure preordained, the full cycle of the Divine Tree’s cruelty is certain to be realized, and we can witness firsthand how the deterioration of our heroes is interpreted by the true believers of this society. If they cannot be rescued, then they can at least be recognized for their sacrifice – so let us return to the battle, as the gods make their plans and us mortals suffer the consequences!

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Yuki Yuna is a Hero (Washio Sumi Chapter) – Episode 2

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we’re continuing with the journey of Togo, or “Washii” to her new friends, as she and her companions fight bravely in defense of the Divine Tree. Having defeated their first Vertex with only moderate difficulty, the trio have since bonded over some delicious mall gelato, where Nogi assigned Togo her fateful nickname. Thus our long march off a short pier continues, our only assurance being that things will soon get much, much worse.

I’m already steeling myself for that blow, but in the meantime, I’m also quite enjoying this season’s distinct conception of the relationship between heroes and the Divine Tree. Rather than the oblivious Yuki and her friends, Togo’s group have been fully briefed on their responsibilities, and are seen as heroes by their fellow students. Given what’s coming down the line, I could imagine that their fates actually resulted in the dismantling of this hero preparatory academy system; after all, if their classmates can directly connect the deterioration of their friends’ bodies to their work as heroes, it seems far less likely they’d be similarly inclined to sacrifice themselves for a faceless god. Let’s see if that prediction bears fruit as we return to Washi Sumi Chapter!

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Yuki Yuna is a Hero (Washio Sumi Chapter) – Episode 1

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. You all ready for some suffering? I had figured saving the entirety of humanity at enormous physical and emotional cost would have earned the girls of Yuki Yuna a reprieve, but apparently the beatings must continue. With more than a little trepidation, today we journey onward into Yuki Yuna is a Hero’s Washio Sumi Chapter!

If anything, we’re now actually worse off than we were before, as this is a story with a known and terrible ending: the tale of Togo’s first run as a hero, wherein she was adopted into a family blessed by the Divine Tree in order to be exploited as a sacrifice to their god. We learned enough from the first season to grasp the broad beats of this narrative, so what I’m most intrigued about is gaining more context regarding the Divine Tree itself, its nature and how it expresses its will.

The idea that humans are simply pawns in wars between overwhelming eldritch identities, and that we’ve furthermore chosen to ally ourselves with one such implacable being in order to cling to survival, is a fascinating conceit for a magical girl drama. Additionally, human resilience in spite of a profoundly broken world is one of my favorite dramatic juxtapositions, embodied even in that “if anyone says there’s no reason to hope, I’ll prove them wrong every single time” line that gave my site its name. Let’s see how our heroes rally against the dying of the light as we return to Yuki Yuna!

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Yuki Yuna is a Hero – Episode 12

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we’re rejoining the battlefield alongside Yuki Yuna and her companions, as our heroes fight for the last fragment of reality in a hostile, voracious world. The revelation that our heroes were sacrificing themselves as nourishment for the Divine Tree proved only the first of this story’s terrible secrets; now, they have learned that their island stands alone, the last remaining holdout of a battle between hungry gods. It is a sobering and satisfyingly Lovecraftian twist on convention; our heroes are no more than the barest eddies swirling around the movements of god-titans, sacrificing themselves only so that future innocents might live to take their place.

Having been twice over manipulated and abused by this system, and now having drawn her precious friend Yuna into the conflict as well, it is little surprise that Togo is ready to watch the world burn. If their only choices are to be sacrificed piece by piece or reject this bargain altogether, better that this paradigm be destroyed wholesale, and that a new world might be born. Togo’s loyalty to family and country made her the perfect target for the Divine Tree, but she is as fearsome in rebellion as she is in complicity, and now the walls are beginning to fall. What hope remains is aspirational, perhaps even foolish – that the collective loyalty and love of the Hero Club might conquer all the forces of heaven, a hope for which Karin gladly sacrificed her senses. And now we come to a familiar standoff, with the scenery of apocalypse furnishing that most fundamental of questions: can love truly save us?

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Yuki Yuna is a Hero – Episode 11

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we return to a scene of epic tragedy, as the young two-time hero Togo faces off against all the forces of the cosmos. Everything she once believed in has been proven false; rather than noble defenders of her proud homeland, she has learned they are actually just human sacrifices, destined to torture themselves in pointless battles all for the sake of the Divine Tree’s sustenance. They are pawns of an arbitrary conflict between gods, and what’s worse, it was Togo herself who was utilized as the instrument of Yuna’s demise, guided into friendship entirely so Yuna might eventually be exploited as a “hero” as well.

It is a hard thing to learn your home only sees you as meat for the grinder, particularly for someone as civic-minded as Togo. Her desire to support her home and Yuna’s general concern for those surround her were both ruthless exploited by the Taisha; drawn away from their genuine community-oriented club activities, their selflessness was instead directed towards an arbitrary conflict of and for the gods alone, a shortsighted response to heaven’s own shortsighted failings. Given all this, it is no surprise that Togo now wants only to burn it all down, and at least ensure no future heroes are similarly betrayed by their own kindness. Let’s see how her battle fares!

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Yuki Yuna is a Hero – Episode 10

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we’ll be returning to an adventure that I’m frankly not sure I even want to continue, as we check back in on the beleaguered magical girls of Yuki Yuna is a Hero. Not because the show has gotten less interesting or anything; with the Taisha’s true nature revealed, the show’s reflections on genre convention and fundamental character drama have never been stronger. But all of that strength is now being put to work torturing our young hero club, and I simply will not have it! Leave our heroes alone, you stupid evil tree!

Anyway, personal feelings aside, we are now well and fully past the point of ignorance regarding this system’s true intent. The vertexes are essentially bait for hopeful young heroes; expending their energy to protect their homes, they are converted into food for their ever-ravenous homeland. Rather than saving this world for the next generation, magical girls are consumed to maintain a static order, venerated as martyrs for a cause they would never willingly have supported. It’s a sturdy metaphor for an increasingly aging Japan, wherein blind patriotism and a renewed fervor for militarization are apparently supposed to make up for a lack of genuine opportunities. What can our young handful of heroes do in the face of such structural malevolence? Let’s find out!

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Yuki Yuna is a Hero – Episode 9

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m eager to return to Yuki Yuna is a Hero, after an episode that saw the other shoe plummeting to earth and leaving a devastating crater in its wake. As it turns out, the Taisha knew all along that our young heroes would be forced to fight again, that they would acquire lasting, debilitating injuries from this hero labor, and that they would eventually be reduced to utter dependency, as one after another of their limbs or senses were sacrificed as offerings to the Divine Tree. There are no old soldiers in this system; only used-up figures of worship, deified for sacrifices they never knew they were making.

As horrible as this is for our girls on the ground, it’s nonetheless a fascinating thematic turn, tethering Yuki Yuna’s magical girl and martial elements together through their common thread: how both young women and old soldiers are misused by society, ostensibly venerated but often materially denied and despised. Like so many other eager young patriots, these girls’ innocent love of their home has been turned against them, exploited for the sake of a system that consumes lives and produces martyrs, all to ensure the next wave of victims is properly motivated. It’s a rich and deliciously cynical turn, and I’m eager to see how our team responds to these shocking reveals. Let’s get to it!

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Yuki Yuna is a Hero – Episode 8

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m hearing the rumble of storm clouds on the horizon, as the peaceful days of the Hero Club’s summer vacation are swiftly coming to an end. In spite of having defeated the twelve vertexes and sustained a variety of lingering injuries in the process, Yuna and her friends are being called to battle once more, facing both an uncertain threat and an increasingly suspicious alleged benefactor. Though their tour of duty was explicitly framed as a clear and finite quest, it seems a hero’s duties are never truly ended – or at least, that our Taisha is far less certain of this venture’s scope than Fuu and the others expected.

This is all great fun for me, of course, as wandering into uncertain structural territory means Yuki Yuna’s thematic intent is now certain to reveal itself. For the first half of this season, Yuki Yuna presented a reasonably executed but generally familiar narrative, focusing on the magical girl genre’s common themes of finding community and developing self-confidence through adolescence. However, the show was always seasoned with an uncommon dash of fatalism – a quiet implication that its heroes were less “destined warriors” than “conscripted soldiers,” forced into mortal peril yet considered expendable by their distant overseers. Fuu’s bargain to protect her family, Karin’s maniacal focus on combat, Tougou’s fear of being called a “traitor” – all of these lingering peculiarities seem to at last be resolving themselves, and I’m eager to see where the show ultimately lands. Let’s get to it!

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Yuki Yuna is a Hero – Episode 7

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today seemed like a perfect opportunity to hop back into the drama of Yuki Yuna is a Hero, where we’re currently all scanning the skies and waiting for some kind of celestial second shoe to drop. Having allegedly defeated their enemies and completed their duties as heroes in the fifth episode, the gang are now suffering under mysterious injuries and uncertain expectations, their tight-knit community the only shield against whatever comes next. Though their overseers claim their symptoms will subside, there’s no real indication their contacts even know what’s going on – or if they do, they’re content to keep such secrets from their troops on the ground.

Personally, I couldn’t be more pleased by this intriguing turn of fortunes. The idea of moving on past the standard magical girl paradigm, of accomplishing your grand task and attempting to reintegrate into normal life, seems like a novel and compelling way to explore the true motivations guiding our young heroes. Additionally, their treatment as veterans who’ve been abandoned by their country feels like a natural thematic expansion of Yuki Yuna’s interrogation of genre assumptions, placing our girls within a long and storied tradition of post-war dramas. Let’s see how they’re faring in a fresh episode of Yuki Yuna!

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