Summer 2018 – First Impressions, Part One

The summer season has finally arrived! Normally the advent of a new season is a little bittersweet, since it means saying goodbye to a bunch of other beloved shows, but no-o-o-ooot this time. Not only did this year’s spring season kinda suck generally, but its two best shows, My Hero Academia and Legend of the Galactic Heroes, are continuing on regardless. That means I’ve got basically no regrets coming into this new season, and am fully prepared to be dazzled by whatever comes. So far, “whatever comes” has mostly been HANEBADO and a bunch of easy skips, but hey, that’s how it goes when you’re checking out absolutely everything. As usual, you can check out ANN’s full list of reviews right here, or hit the jump for my individual rankings and links to those specific reviews. Let’s get to it!

HANEBADO! – 4.5/5

Banana Fish – 4/5

100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams – 2.5/5

The Thousand Musketeers – 2/5

How Not to Summon a Demon Lord – 2/5

Island – 1.5/5