Why It Works: The Young Titans and Ailing Empires of Legend of the Galactic Heroes

Today on Why It Works, I dove once more into Legend of the Galactic Heroes, to explore the fascinating contrast of Reinhard von Lohengram and Yang Wen-li. Each of them are rich characters who are simultaneously compelling both as individuals in their own right, and as representatives of their distinct philosophies on shaping human history. Legend of the Galactic Heroes consistently urges us to look beyond the assumptions of our immediate political moment, and I’m always happy to celebrate its far-seeing perspective. Here’s the piece!

The Young Titans and Ailing Empires of Legend of the Galactic Heroes

One thought on “Why It Works: The Young Titans and Ailing Empires of Legend of the Galactic Heroes

  1. Great that you’re enjoying the new series!
    If you have the chance, go on YouTube and look up the original’s various opening and ending songs, they’re quite nice ballads.

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