The Demon Girl Next Door S2 – Episode 11

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m delighted to be stopping back in with The Demon Girl Next Door, after an episode which saw Shamiko accomplishing the last thing I expected: actually committing to a magical training regimen, and earning some clear results. Having already defeated her first magical adversary during her mountain spring date, Shamiko continued to improve her mastery of magical mayhem, taking another clear step towards becoming a shadow mistress worthy of Momo’s allegiance.

Although this is a first for our demon lord, it’s not exactly a surprise. Though Shamiko has frequently (and humorously) been defined by her incompetency, that incompetence was largely just a result of starting from zero understanding of this world with next to no magical energy. Though there have been many setbacks along the way, Shamiko has nonetheless been consistently exercising and expanding her powers, maintaining a positive attitude in spite of her anxieties. And with the committed support network of her family, ancestor, Momo, and Mikan behind her, it’s little surprise that consistent effort has at last borne meaningful results.

It is very in keeping with Demon Girl’s focus on the gradual process of improving yourself for the person you love that Shamiko’s training would follow a similar pattern. Just like attempting to shift your mindset or personal habits, attempting to master a new skill is a practice you must commit to, not simply a choice, and Demon Girl is all about illustrating the active practice of personal growth. With her magical powers clearly developing, let’s see if Shamiko’s earned a reward from Momo as we return to The Demon Girl Next Door!

Episode 11

We once again open with a series of cuts establishing how much time has progressed, this time with an “I’m off” leading us back into post-vacation school days. Time progresses as gradually and consistently in this show as the characters themselves

“New Semester! The Magical Girl’s New Duty!”

Mikan’s nervous about her transfer student introduction. Right, I forgot she hasn’t actually attended school here yet

And making Mikan too happy also triggers the curse. So there’s just no way this won’t end in disaster

It seems like Shamiko is less overwhelmed by this local dog at this point, at least. Baby steps

Love this beat of the teacher gently explaining Mikan’s curse to the other students, treating it as you would any special accommodation needed by a particular student. Mikan’s curse loosely mapping to a sort of magical disability is a clever expansion of this show’s generally thoughtful approach to magical beings existing within the world, and the mundane secondary effects such a situation would provoke. Her condition isn’t just fuel for gags, it’s a perpetual consideration in her life, and demands a considerate society in turn

The rest of the class have no interest in her magical qualities, though they are quite impressed by her ability to move her hair bob at will

Shamiko is envious of her classmates’ smartphones, of course being unable to afford one herself. Another of poverty’s self-propagating qualities: when you can’t afford a phone or transportation, your opportunities are that much more limited

“Wouldn’t that be cool to see? An all-out sports battle between magical girls?” Sorry folks, I don’t believe you’re gonna offer a better execution of this gag than Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid

Magical girls of course aren’t allowed to compete in any sort of mundane sporting activities, which further isolates them from their peers. Their assumed state is distant, perfect, and lonely

Meanwhile, Ogura has concocted some sort of dark energy stabilizing tonic for Momo

“We’d love to have you as part of the Anatomical Model Polishing Committee!” Beginning to understand why this school isn’t fazed by magical girls

Mikan asks Anri if she can join the Sports Festival Committee. Unsurprisingly, Mikan seems like the kind of person who couldn’t be content within a totally laid-back club, and must feel like she is doing productive work to be comfortable

Smart choice to establish this secondary relationship between Mikan and Anri, as well. Demon Girl is generally careful to avoid situations where secondary characters only have one line of attachment to the cast – ie, if Anri were Shamiko’s initial school friend, but never really developed her own dynamics with the magical girls. Such characters often fade into the background when a fantastical story gains momentum, but Demon Girl is firmly invested in the intersection of the fantastical and the mundane, and Anri is a good vehicle for exploring that junction

We flash back to when Anri met Shamiko on their first day of school, back when Shamiko was far more frail

“I hope I can keep making progress a little at a time.” That’s how it always goes, Shamiko

Momo is, of course, fully committed to her duties on the Getting Surrounded By Cats committee

“I don’t understand what I’m even doing here. I want to go home.” Momo’s lazy side is a very charming element of her personality. She initially comes off as dazzlingly impressive and put together to Shamiko, but in truth she’d just laze around on the couch and chase cats if she had the chance. Shamiko’s actually the one who’s forced to teach her to be a functional person

Shamiko is first set to work simulating what would be a reasonable challenge level for the sporting events, a job even she has to admit she is tragically unqualified for

Shamiko is briefly elated to see Mikan fitting in so well at school, which then shifts over into jealousy for Momo’s sake, who has so much more trouble making friends. Don’t worry Shamiko, everyone thinks your girlfriend is cool too

We immediately shift to some impressively fluid character acting and effects animation as Mikan stumbles and falls unconscious, unleashing her curse. I suppose this would have to be the true test of how well Mikan is able to fit in at school

And the test is passed. Everyone seems cheerful and earnest as they apologize to Mikan for knocking her over, in spite of her outburst spilling paint over the festival sign

Shamiko wishes she could transform her rod into something that could fix this situation. She’s such a considerate person – she’s only able to imagine transforming her rod into something truly exceptional for the sake of her friends

Of course, Mikan still blames herself even if no one else does. “It’s the people who are kind, who get closest to me, that end up getting hurt the most.” Her kindness makes her unable to see how much she adds to the lives of those around her, how small a consideration her curse is in light of how much everyone enjoys her company

“It doesn’t matter if I’m weak, or dumb, or lack intuition. Because there’s something in this town that only I can do!” Having her magical girl allies be forced to rely on her has also been a source of great personal growth for Shamiko, as she learns that not only are ostensibly powerful people also in need of accommodation and support, but that she herself is capable of providing that support

They interrupt Mikan in the midst of planning her escape, intent on directly negotiating with the devil inside her

“One of my duties as Shadow Mistress is to make sure my minions are in good condition!” You’re such a sweet-talker, Shamiko

Her demon is apparently Ugallu, a Mesopatamian deity that allegedly protected its worshippers’ dwellings

“Shamiko, you better stay close to me.” Momo really leaning into the role of Shamiko’s bodyguard in this heart dimension, and clearly loving it

And Done

And so our heroes embark on yet another dangerous journey, now entering the very heart of their friend Mikan in order to negotiate with a fiendish demon! Though of course, given this is The Demon Girl Next Door, I imagine they’re far more likely to adopt this demon as the newest member of their ramshackle family, and perhaps even have her move in on the other side of Mikan’s apartment. Regardless, this was an excellent Mikan episode on the whole. She’s generally been either a pillar supporting the party or a source of gags, so it was a nice change to dig more thoroughly into her anxieties, and thereby allow Shamiko and Momo to express their own feelings towards her in return. You don’t have to carry your troubles alone, Mikan!

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