Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today it is too damn cold outside, as it will remain in my state for roughly eight months, before suddenly becoming habitable again sometime in late May. Accordingly, I have already developed my seasonal sniffle-cough, which will be accompanying me for the entirety of this megawinter, regardless of my personal choices. Going out for a jog is now a laborious process; heck, even stepping outside for some fresh air no longer provides that vitalizing rush of warmth and sunlight. Winter is a plague visited upon me for reasons unknown, a gentle reminder that the universe is frequently cruel for no reason.
As you may have gathered, I am not thrilled about winter’s onset, and could very much use a reprieve from its encroaching grasp. As a result, I am extremely pleased to announce that today we’re returning to Sun and Moon, and staging a tactical retreat into the sun-drenched isles of Alola. There are few things that can rally my spirits like a dash of Pokemon, and I hope many of you also enjoy these cheerful adventures. For all I tend to focus on art’s ability to inspire or provoke, providing simple comfort and cheer is also one of art’s great callings, and Sun and Moon absolutely excels at it. Let’s venture on back to the islands of Alola!