Hugtto! Precure – Episode 43

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m eager to dive back into Hugtto! Precure, as we charge ever closer to the season’s epic finale. Our last episode wrapped up the season’s primary remaining conflict not related to the Cure team directly – although it did not remain that way, as the resolution of Henri’s struggles saw him actually becoming a Pretty Cure as well, donning the title of “Cure Infini” and offering a gorgeous final performance to his adoring fans. It was the perfect conclusion to an arc that has frequently challenged the implacability of culture and identity, firmly attesting that anyone can be whoever they want to be, including a Pretty Cure. Just like our professional aspirations, our identities are our own – and in Hugtto, pursuing a happier selfhood is always something to be met with a heartfelt “hooray, hooray!”

With Henri having resolved his anxieties regarding moving beyond his skating career, the stage is now clear for a final confrontation with Criasu Corp. But frankly, considering neither Listol nor Traum are personally invested in George’s mission, I wouldn’t mind some more villain rehabilitation before that – or even a goofy one-off, if we’ve still got time for such things. Regardless, I’m sure we’ve got a charming adventure ahead as we dive back into Hugtto Precure!

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 42

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m eager to dive back into Hugtto! Precure, where I’m frankly hoping for some kind of irreverent, nonsensical side adventure, perhaps one starring our former villains and the hamster villagers or something. After the one-two punch of Traum’s reunion with Lulu and Emiru’s grappling with this story’s conclusion, I’m just not sure my heart could take much more of the heavy stuff. Can’t we just hang out and maybe beat up an Oshimaeda or something?

Of course, given last episode’s allusions to Henri’s physical injuries, I imagine we’re actually on the verge of a heel turn by our young ice skater. And to be honest, I’m actually fine with that. I’ve long felt that Henri’s character and arc embodied Hugtto’s most thoughtful instincts, exploring not just the difficulty of defining yourself outside of society’s expectations, but also the challenges of aging out of your preferred self-image, and grappling with the frequently undesirable changes of puberty and adulthood. Henri carries Hugtto’s general focus on finding hope for the future into challenging, deeply personal territory, and him stumbling here would serve as a natural continuation of the world-weary ambiguity that has always attended his episodes. Let’s see what’s in store in a fresh episode of Hugtto!

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 41

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m eager to dive back into Hugtto! Precure, as we race towards the conclusion of this heartwarming, far-reaching journey. After coming to know our heroes, their ambitions, and their whole larger community over the course of various adventures, our last few episodes have seen histories unveiled and secrets revealed, as we came to know the fate of Harihari Village, the true identity of Listol, and the nature of the bond uniting Lulu and Dr. Traum.

Beyond simply filling in our missing backstory, those episodes have also proven some of the most emotionally impactful of the show so far. Our last episode in particular was a major highlight, merging Lulu’s consistently poignant personal growth with Traum’s misguided yet deeply human desire to regain his lost daughter. The two of them struggling towards a shared idea of family was a painful, hesitant, and deeply sincere process – in other words, it was Hugtto at its best, hoping for a happier future while acknowledging the road forward is littered with hurdles and disappointments. Let’s see what awaits our crew next in a fresh episode of Hugtto!

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 40

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m eager to dive back into Hugtto! Precure, as we continue to soar towards its approaching endgame. It’s clear enough that the time for fun episodic larks is largely behind us; in fact, last episode felt very much like we were already at the climax, with its thunderous reveals regarding Harry and Risutol’s shared history clarifying much about Criasu’s relationship with the hamsters. Characters like Risutol and Bishin didn’t simply embrace evil, they were recruited via Criasu’s promises to save their dying village – and having embraced complicity and lost their homes anyway, they now hope simply to maintain whatever community is left to them on the other side.

Having shed some light on the origins of George’s final accomplice, I’m excited to see what the episode to come reveals about dear old Dr. Traum, who’s always struck me as one of the most charming Criasu collaborators. His ambivalence towards the future seems to come from a place of painful personal experience, while his creation of Lulu points to a fundamental disagreement with the Criasu credo. To have a child is to express a gesture of faith in the future, that it will be a safer, kinder place for the ones who follow you. As we approach the end, it seems Traum may be regretting his prior actions, and hoping to at least spend a little more time with his beloved daughter. Let’s see how this odd family is faring!

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 39

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today an overbearing cloud bank promises an altogether gloomy afternoon, so I’ve decided to rally against the weather with a sunny episode of Hugtto! Precure. Our last episode offered a generous buffet of Halloween-centric designs and festivities, while once again offering a humanizing splash of frustration and regret to the show’s former villains. While Hugtto’s young leads are largely preoccupied with the intimidating open canvas of their encroaching adult lives, its older villains serve as an encouraging reminder that even adulthood is a process rife with mistakes and reinvention, and that nothing about our future is ever truly set in stone.

Whether in context of the Precure’s villains or their parents and community guardians, I remain greatly appreciative of Hugtto’s acknowledgment of the conflicts and anxieties that carry on into our adult lives. The show celebrates finding a place you belong without framing dreams as destiny, a balancing act that encourages exploration and self-discovery rather than anxiety over your “one true path.” Let’s see where their passions take our heroes next as we return to Hugtto!

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 38

Hey there folks, and welcome the heck back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m eager to dive back into Hugtto! Precure, which most recently dazzled us with a two-part crossover event featuring dozens upon dozens of other Pretty Cures. There were witchy Precures and pâtissière Precures, Precures by the twos and threes and sevens. It was an undeniably bewildering but nonetheless engaging introduction to the wide, rambling history of this venerable franchise, capped off by some phenomenal cuts of animation as our collective heroes squared off against a monster the size of a planet.

It was a lot of fun seeing both the vast diversity and points of commonality across all these generations (it seems like pink cures are always a little stupid, huh?), and provided further incentive for me to check out the much-lauded Heartcatch after Hugtto is concluded. But for now, I’m quite happy to return to some smaller-stakes drama back with our own team, and perhaps dig further into the intriguingly melancholy circumstances of our dear Dr. Traum. Hugtto’s villains have been just as engaging as its heroes, driven by sympathetic regrets and fears of abandonment, and I suspect Lulu’s “father” will prove one of the best of them. Let’s find out in a fresh episode of Huggto!

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 37

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am delighted to be returning to Hugtto! Pretty Cure, for an episode that by all accounts is going to be almost incomprehensible to me. Our last episode involved the main Hugtto party linking up with about half a dozen previous Cure generations, some of whom they were already acquainted with, all of whom were essentially new to me. Having rallied these supplementary ranks, we then saw half a dozen other Cure parties get frozen in time, trapped in the re-unveiling of Dr. Traum’s totally bullshit time control robot.

For long-time Cure aficionados, I imagine these meetups are a familiar element of the Precure package. For me, this has been a somewhat overwhelming but altogether charming journey through decades of design sensibilities, with each new team demonstrating the diversity of what Pretty Cure can be. The franchise appears to possess a gratifyingly straightforward “if it’ll make for a fun crossover, do it” approach to worldbuilding, while the appearance of all these classic Cures likely gives the current animation team a chance to bring characters they grew up with to life, much like how One Piece’s current staff is stacked with lifelong One Piece fans. When you’re given a chance like that, magic frequently results, so I’m eager to see what wonders await in this pan-Precure bash. Let’s get to it!

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 36

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m delighted to be returning to Hugtto! Precure, after an episode that embodied many of the show’s finest qualities, and certainly had me sniffling as well. Aya’s anxieties regarding her mother’s new baby were relatable and poignantly illustrated, with Hana’s words of advice reflected Hugtto’s general, laudable willingness to acknowledge the fallibility of its adult characters. Hugtto often expresses its thematic focus on hope for the future through the promise of change and excitement of finding your profession, but equally important are moments like this, where young audiences can be assured that even adults suffer from worries and anxieties, and that people of any age are capable of turning over a new leaf.

Having just survived such a tearjerker of an episode, I’m expecting we’re in for some lighter fare this time, but in truth I’m ready for anything. Hugtto has proven itself full of surprises and unexpected treasures, so let’s dispense with the preamble, and see what adventure our crew is getting up to next.

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 35

Hello hello hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am delighted to announce that we are returning to Hugtto! Precure, after far too long away from our unlikely heroes. It’s been several months since we last checked in with Hana and the gang, but I’m hoping to make up for lost time with as much enthusiasm as I can muster. And we’ve certainly got reason to expect greatness; last episode’s exploration of Gelos’ insecurities about aging, interwoven with Hana’s steady demonstration of how heroism need not follow some strict aesthetic template, proved some of Hugtto’s most poignant and insightful material so far. Whether we continue in that vein with the newly punked-up Gelos or counterbalance it with some delightful nonsense, I’m eager to return to this most cheerful and charming of shows. Let’s dive back into Hugtto!

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 33

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m happy to be returning to Hugtto! Precure, wherein we most recently witnessed Homare attempting to reconcile her romantic feelings for a goddamn hamster. I’m frankly not sure how any episode could hope to top that one’s lunacy, and to be honest am not entirely discounting the possibility that it was all a fever dream or gas leak hallucination, but we must nonetheless do our best to carry on. Sometimes high schoolers fall in love with hamsters, this is just a thing that happens, and we’re all going to have to deal with it in our own ways.

With Homare x Housepet safely defused, I imagine we’re nearing the climax of Bishin’s villain arc. Bishin has always seemed more desperate for familial validation than truly villainous, so I’m guessing it won’t take too much of a push from our heroes to rehabilitate Harry’s old crewmate. I frankly wouldn’t mind if Bishin joined the team formally, but given we’ve already had one enemy turn Precure, I imagine “goth hamster Precure” is too powerful a concept to exist in this world. Whatever happens, I’m sure we’re in for a delightful time as we return to the world of Hugtto. Let’s get to it!

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