Summer 2023 – Week 2 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I write to you from temporary lodgings, owing to the fact that my goddamn apartment caught fire some time early Sunday morning. We all made it out okay, and from what I hear they’ll be able to save the building, but good lord is it a shock to wake up to screeching alarms, open your bedroom door, and stare out into a hallway entirely consumed by black smoke. So yeah, it hasn’t been a great few days, with significantly more focus spent on finding shelter and surviving than exploring the infinite mysteries of cinematic art. Fortunately, my film review buffer is substantial and I still managed a couple viewings late last week, so our weekly film explorations can still proceed as usual. Let’s try to embrace a sliver of normalcy among the chaos, and break down a fresh Week in Review!

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