Spring 2020 – Week 5 in Review

You folks ready to talk about some movies? I didn’t get to a huge number of new features this week, but the films I did watch left me with plenty to talk about, so hopefully we can spin a satisfying Week in Review out of my ramblings. Eraserhead in particular turned out to be one of the most unique films I’ve seen in… well, ever, I suppose, but I guess that’s what happens when you remove all of David Lynch’s power limiters. I’m frankly kinda lucky I got to see it; one of my housemates recommended it without really knowing how resolutely anti-narrative it was going to be, and while I actually did have an inkling of its structure, I am certainly not above abusing my housemates’ ignorance to trick them into watching unabashedly surrealist madness. Anyway, enough preamble, let’s get to the movies!

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