Summer 2023 – Week 13 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. This week I’ve returned to full apartment hunting mode, having emerged from a variety of familial obligations to find myself still lacking a goddamn home. Nonetheless, I’ve also found time to at last get back into regular movie screenings, which my diminishing buffer of older reviews must surely appreciate. Frankly, I was nearing the point of being forced to admit to my house’s collective reality television addiction, and break down the finer points of concocting a winning America’s Got Talent audition. That may still come one of these days, but for now I’m happy to be regaining another sliver of normalcy via movie screenings, while also playing as much Baldur’s Gate 3 as I can possibly slot in. I’m not sure I could ever abandon the narrative opportunities provided by a charisma-centric character, but hewing enemies in two with Karlach’s giant ax seems to have awakened something in me, and I’m seriously considering having my next character prioritize breaking stuff real good. I’ll have more Baldur’s Gate reflections once I’m deeper in, but for now, let’s break down a fresh collection of films!

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Summer 2023 – Week 12 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. This week a project my housemates idly began years ago neared its conclusion, as we approached the very last episodes of Dragon Ball Super. Having burned through One Piece, Bleach, Naruto, Boruto, and the variable Dragon Ball sagas over the last thirty-some months, I can affirm that basically all of them are worthy second-screen entertainment, with portions of each rising to the level of appointment viewing. The shonen titans are eminently munchable comfort food, and it’s been particularly rewarding to gain a better understanding of the standout animators and directors who helped elevate the highlights of each. Let’s start with Super then, as we ramble through a fresh Week in Review!

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