Fall 2023 – Week 12 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m happy to report that I’ve mostly shaken off the illness of last week, which indeed proved to be an unwanted but altogether mild bout of Covid. I have emerged from sickness with arms swinging, having barreled through a variety of games, films, and shows as I try to cram as many last-minute additions as possible into the year’s variable attractions. With both One Piece Odyssey and Scott Pilgrim Takes Off concluded, my house is now indulging in what has become an unexpected Projekt Red tradition: playing through one of their games while simultaneously munching on the relevant TV adaptation. Considering what a good time we had both watching and playing through The Witcher at once, we’re now both watching and playing through Cyberpunk, and having a very reasonable time of it. I’ll have more to say on those projects soon, but for now, let’s run down a fresh selection of films, shows, and what have you in the Week in Review!

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Fall 2023 – Week 6 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am chronicling my weekly exploits from a sun-drenched seat in a brand new apartment, having spent the last week lugging bureaus, beds, and copious electronics out from storage and into our new house. I’m still obviously in the midst of an adjustment period here; I’m not used to sleeping on the same floor where Eevee rests, meaning I’m still getting acquainted with her habit of demanding first In and then Out all throughout the morning. Nonetheless, it feels absolutely wonderful to at last have some space of my own. I frankly hadn’t realized how much day-to-day anxiety I’d been carrying around for the last several months, until I at last had a chance to slump back in my chair with full certainty that this is my space, not some room I was being briefly and conditionally granted. And of course, my viewing party has obviously seized this opportunity to get back into our regularly scheduled screenings, so I’ve got a healthy dollop of film reflections to share with you all. Let’s sit back and settle in for the Week in Review!

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Winter 2021 – Week 10 in Review

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Over in the hyperbolic media chamber, this was a week of projects, as I dug into games that had been sitting on the shelf for too long, and also passively watched maybe fifty episodes of background anime. After my housemates decided to watch the Bleach live action film (my review: it’s an anime live action film), one of them was inspired enough to return to The Source itself, and power through the entire goddamn Soul Society arc. So for once, the answer to “where is Bleach” is truly “here is Bleach.” We’ve got that and more to get to, so let’s start powering through the Week in Review!

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Fall 2020 – Week 13 in Review

This week-numbering system doesn’t really make any sense at this point, huh? Initially, they were supposed to match the “weeks” of each anime season, though of course that itself is a vague concept, considering the unique release schedules of various shows. But then it lost what little sense it made after I stopped centering it around seasonal anime, and now we’re not even in a real “anime week,” since shows don’t generally come out in the last week of the year. But it’d be even weirder to switch to a system that just numbers all the weeks of the year, right? I dunno, something to think about.

Anyway! Ambiguous titling aside, I did indeed consume some media this week, along with putting together my Top Anime of 2020 post. That’s coming on Friday, but for now, let’s break down some films and games in 2020’s very last Week in Review!

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Winter 2020 – Week 10 in Review

Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Week in Review. I’ve got a varied assortment of new properties to explore with you today, including a genuine anime classic, along with films ranging from the ludicrously terrible to the actually pretty good. It turns out self-quarantining also gives you a whole lot of time for videogames, so I’ve also got some initial thoughts on Nioh 2, the latest Soulsborne-style release from Team Ninja. I’ve got plenty to say and this article is late enough as it is, so let’s not waste any more time on throat clearing, and dive right into the Week in Review!

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One Foot in Front of the Other: A Year of Death Stranding

At scattered moments during your journeys across the rocks and rivers of Death Stranding, your player character Sam Porter Bridges will mutter little encouragements to himself, or simply scattered half-thoughts. “Sam, Sam, he’s our man,” a slogan uttered with an edge of bitterness, as he was essentially manipulated into this job of carrying endless packages of cargo across a broken America. Sometimes it’s more straightforward motivational exercises, like “one foot in front of the other,” or at one point, “I’ve scaled higher mountains than this.” And sometimes it’s a rare acknowledgment that he actually finds joy in this work – checking in with the companion strapped across his chest, or staring out across a forbidding yet beautiful wasteland and remarking “I always liked the quiet.”

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