Spring 2021 Season Preview

Oh my god, what the fuck, what week is it? Week eleven of the winter season? Jesus fuck, these preview articles are supposed to go out on week nine, what am I even previewing at this point. The shows aren’t actually out yet, right? Okay, good, we’ve got some time. Great. I’m slipping, but we’ve got some time. We can work with this.

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today, we’ll be turning our eyes towards the spring anime season, as I highlight the productions that most caught my interest. I am admittedly not that much of a seasonal anime watcher at this point – it basically takes something of Wonder Egg Priority’s caliber to truly demand my attention, so I’m not expecting to keep up with all these weekly. What I’m instead pinning down here is simply potential – shows that, through their source material or staff pedigree, seem like they might appeal to someone like me. If you’re looking for the full list of shows and synopses, you can check out anichart for all of that – this list comes pre-narrowed, and will mostly just cover what about each show stuck out to me. Without further ado, let’s preview the god dang spring season!

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