Hugtto! Precure – Episode 38

Hey there folks, and welcome the heck back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m eager to dive back into Hugtto! Precure, which most recently dazzled us with a two-part crossover event featuring dozens upon dozens of other Pretty Cures. There were witchy Precures and pâtissière Precures, Precures by the twos and threes and sevens. It was an undeniably bewildering but nonetheless engaging introduction to the wide, rambling history of this venerable franchise, capped off by some phenomenal cuts of animation as our collective heroes squared off against a monster the size of a planet.

It was a lot of fun seeing both the vast diversity and points of commonality across all these generations (it seems like pink cures are always a little stupid, huh?), and provided further incentive for me to check out the much-lauded Heartcatch after Hugtto is concluded. But for now, I’m quite happy to return to some smaller-stakes drama back with our own team, and perhaps dig further into the intriguingly melancholy circumstances of our dear Dr. Traum. Hugtto’s villains have been just as engaging as its heroes, driven by sympathetic regrets and fears of abandonment, and I suspect Lulu’s “father” will prove one of the best of them. Let’s find out in a fresh episode of Huggto!

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 37

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am delighted to be returning to Hugtto! Pretty Cure, for an episode that by all accounts is going to be almost incomprehensible to me. Our last episode involved the main Hugtto party linking up with about half a dozen previous Cure generations, some of whom they were already acquainted with, all of whom were essentially new to me. Having rallied these supplementary ranks, we then saw half a dozen other Cure parties get frozen in time, trapped in the re-unveiling of Dr. Traum’s totally bullshit time control robot.

For long-time Cure aficionados, I imagine these meetups are a familiar element of the Precure package. For me, this has been a somewhat overwhelming but altogether charming journey through decades of design sensibilities, with each new team demonstrating the diversity of what Pretty Cure can be. The franchise appears to possess a gratifyingly straightforward “if it’ll make for a fun crossover, do it” approach to worldbuilding, while the appearance of all these classic Cures likely gives the current animation team a chance to bring characters they grew up with to life, much like how One Piece’s current staff is stacked with lifelong One Piece fans. When you’re given a chance like that, magic frequently results, so I’m eager to see what wonders await in this pan-Precure bash. Let’s get to it!

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 36

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m delighted to be returning to Hugtto! Precure, after an episode that embodied many of the show’s finest qualities, and certainly had me sniffling as well. Aya’s anxieties regarding her mother’s new baby were relatable and poignantly illustrated, with Hana’s words of advice reflected Hugtto’s general, laudable willingness to acknowledge the fallibility of its adult characters. Hugtto often expresses its thematic focus on hope for the future through the promise of change and excitement of finding your profession, but equally important are moments like this, where young audiences can be assured that even adults suffer from worries and anxieties, and that people of any age are capable of turning over a new leaf.

Having just survived such a tearjerker of an episode, I’m expecting we’re in for some lighter fare this time, but in truth I’m ready for anything. Hugtto has proven itself full of surprises and unexpected treasures, so let’s dispense with the preamble, and see what adventure our crew is getting up to next.

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 35

Hello hello hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I am delighted to announce that we are returning to Hugtto! Precure, after far too long away from our unlikely heroes. It’s been several months since we last checked in with Hana and the gang, but I’m hoping to make up for lost time with as much enthusiasm as I can muster. And we’ve certainly got reason to expect greatness; last episode’s exploration of Gelos’ insecurities about aging, interwoven with Hana’s steady demonstration of how heroism need not follow some strict aesthetic template, proved some of Hugtto’s most poignant and insightful material so far. Whether we continue in that vein with the newly punked-up Gelos or counterbalance it with some delightful nonsense, I’m eager to return to this most cheerful and charming of shows. Let’s dive back into Hugtto!

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 34

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m delighted to be returning to Hugtto! Precure, which most recently offered one of its most powerful and painful episodes yet. Whereas most of Hugtto’s protagonists are grappling with standard adolescent anxieties regarding their futures, Henri’s struggles with identity and fame have always possessed that knife edge of specificity, as he struggles with prejudice simply for being himself. Even after overcoming gender essentialist scorn in his first appearances, he now has to contend with both paparazzi and fans who seek to claim ownership of him, and define him according to their own desires.

And now, having fought for so long to assert his legitimacy, Henri must deal with yet another unfortunate twist of fate. Henri’s public persona is an icon of androgynous youth, but his actual body is aging, accumulating injuries and shifting towards adulthood. Hugtto has always sought to frame the future as brimming with potential, but what if embracing the future means losing everything you already have? It’s no wonder then that Henri is genuinely tempted by Criasu’s offer to halt time here, in the final moments of his youthful glory. After all, what alternative can our heroes actually offer him?

That’s a question I’ve been asking myself ever since the last episode, and I’m eager to discover the answer. Let’s return to Hugtto Precure!

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 33

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m happy to be returning to Hugtto! Precure, wherein we most recently witnessed Homare attempting to reconcile her romantic feelings for a goddamn hamster. I’m frankly not sure how any episode could hope to top that one’s lunacy, and to be honest am not entirely discounting the possibility that it was all a fever dream or gas leak hallucination, but we must nonetheless do our best to carry on. Sometimes high schoolers fall in love with hamsters, this is just a thing that happens, and we’re all going to have to deal with it in our own ways.

With Homare x Housepet safely defused, I imagine we’re nearing the climax of Bishin’s villain arc. Bishin has always seemed more desperate for familial validation than truly villainous, so I’m guessing it won’t take too much of a push from our heroes to rehabilitate Harry’s old crewmate. I frankly wouldn’t mind if Bishin joined the team formally, but given we’ve already had one enemy turn Precure, I imagine “goth hamster Precure” is too powerful a concept to exist in this world. Whatever happens, I’m sure we’re in for a delightful time as we return to the world of Hugtto. Let’s get to it!

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 32

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I thought we’d stop back in with the heroes of Hugtto! Precure, which my autocorrect will probably never stop replacing with “procure” every time I type it. Boo to autocorrect, but hurray for Precure, which never fails to conjure a tear and a smile. Our last episode fell more towards the tearful end of the spectrum, as Hana at last confronted the girl who inspired her pre-series transformation. Hana’s defense of Eri back in middle school led to her total ostracization, forcing her to rebuild herself as a new and resolutely chipper Hana for high school. But when faced with the girl who forced that change, Hana reverted to her old fears, worrying that even her courage was a burden to Eri.

Fortunately, the Hana we know is a far cry from the Hana of middle school – and perhaps even more importantly, she now has an unwavering support group of friends to stick by her. Just as Hana has so often demonstrated the power of a friend cheering you on, so was she invigorated by the words of her own friends, to the point where she actually rekindled her friendship with Eri. As it turns out, the feelings we anxiously assign to others are often just projections of our own fears; both Eri and Hana truly wanted to reconnect, and simply needed a slight push to get there.

Meanwhile, it seems like the forces of Criasu Corp are cannibalizing themselves faster than ever. Funny thing, that; when your organization is designed as a zero-sum corporate bloodbath, it’s kind of difficult to maintain a willing labor force. With our heroes on the ascent and Criasu on the backfoot, let’s see what new schemes our villains concoct in a fresh episode of Precure!

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 31

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we’re returning to Hugtto! Precure, where the gang most recently enjoyed a world tour courtesy of Emiru’s staggering personal fortune. Oddly enough, that world tour concluded within a handful of minutes, leaving only postcards and a vague, presumably invented memory of Hugtan cosplaying Marie Antoinette. The real meat of the episode took place at a Japanese bathhouse, where we learned that tengus are real, and while not explicitly aligned with Pretty Cure values, will presumably take their side in the coming war.

As that scatterbrained summary implies, it was a bit of a grab bag episode, reflective of our current arc-unmoored status. We’ve got potential threads to pull on regarding Lulu’s relationship with Dr. Traum and Harry’s old compatriots, but for the moment, the gang is basking in the freedom of a mid-season transition phase, going on vacations and checking in on relatives. Precure excels at this stuff; many of Hugtto’s best episodes are basically slice of life vignettes with fight scenes tacked on the end, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. As summer vacation comes to an end, let’s check back in on the heroes of Hugtto!

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 30

Hello everyone, and welcome on back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m delighted to announce we’re returning to Hugtto! Precure, a show that most recently tore my heart to pieces with the introduction of Hana’s grandmother. Last episode’s reflection on the cruelty of time, and how we can age out of the things that define us, was an unexpected but very welcome compliment to Huggto’s usual optimism. There was no great victory Hana could achieve to dispel last episode’s worries, no villain to defeat in order to restore her grandmother’s youth; aging is just tough, and I always appreciate when a children’s show handles such difficult aspects of life with both sensitivity and frankness. We cannot hope to stop the clock or turn back time; all we can hope for is to age with grace, and not miss out on future happiness by lamenting the things we’ve lost.

Episodes like that demonstrate the emotive potential of great children’s media, stories that trust their audiences can handle complex and difficult topics. Most children are not foreigners to loss, and can appreciate media that acknowledges and helps contextualize the hard moments in their lives. That said, I’m also a big fan of Hugtto’s goofier content, and I’m guessing an episode that heavy demands an extremely silly followup. Let’s see what we’ve got!

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Hugtto! Precure – Episode 29

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m delighted to announce we’re charging right back into Hugtto! Precure, and I couldn’t begin to guess what we’ll do next. I mean, last episode’s concept turned out to be “Homare’s Dog Falls in Love with a Pet Food Mascot,” and I have to say that wasn’t even in my top twenty guesses. We’re apparently in the generous middle stretch of a Precure season, where the established nature of the team and antagonists allows Toei to get a little wild in their episodic conceits. Personally I’d love to see more of Harry’s old friends, but wherever the wind blows us, I’m sure this cast and production team will make the journey special. Let’s pile in for a fresh episode of Huggto! Precure!

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