Summer 2019 Season Preview

How the fuck is it already time for another season preview? It was February like three weeks ago, the spring season can’t possibly be ending now. What did I even do this spring? What am I doing with my life?

Yes folks, it’s time again for a season preview, and all the existential dread and recrimination which accompanies it. This season has gone by in a flash, and though our endless secession of days is certainly a cause for concern, we can at least console ourselves with the prospect of new cartoons to enjoy. While the spring season concentrated its highlights into a small number of shows, and was defined mostly by the titanic presence of directors like Shinichiro Watanabe and Kunihiko Ikuhara, the summer is looking to be much more diffuse in its highlights. There are fewer sure hits, but plenty of shows with at least a dull glimmer of potential, giving me a whole bunch to talk about. As usual, I won’t be highlighting or summarizing every single upcoming show – there are plenty of sites you can check for that, and not much for me to add. Instead, I’ll just be emphasizing the shows I’m genuinely looking forward to, as well as my generally staff or source material-related reasons for that excitement. Starting with the season’s brightest prospects, let’s break down the stars of the coming season!

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