Winter 2020 – Week 12 in Review

Way to fucking go, Nick. Normally, the loosely defined Week 12s and 13s of a given season are the point where most of my watch schedule has already concluded, and I can thus get away with only writing a couple paragraphs for the Week in Review. Of course, now that I’ve transitioned over to writing about all the films and games I’ve consumed, rather than just the streaming anime, I’ve got a whole damn pile of crap to talk about, even though the anime season has largely ended. I am persistently excellent at giving myself more work than I really ought to, but fortunately, these new Week in Reviews have actually turned into one of the highlights of my weekly routine, and I’m frankly only complaining here because I will use literally any available narrative device to fill the space of these openings paragraphs. And with that space now fully occupied (nice going, me), let’s dive into the actual Week in Review!

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