Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we stand on the precipice of eternity, as Hana fights to overcome George’s machinations and restore hope for the future. Having been aided in this battle by not just her Pretty Cure companions, but also the former employees of Criasu Corp, her struggle has embodied the promise of personal reinvention, that an unhappy past not define our future, and that people of all ages are capable of shedding their fetters and seeking what is truly most important. Pupple and her companions, Gelos and her beloved butlers, Traum, Risutol, Bishin – though all once believed their best days were fading memories, all were lead by Hana to see that there is still so much beauty in the world, and so much left to look forward to.
And now, there is only George. A man who appears to have taken all of humanity’s suffering on his back, and who sees the only way to maintain happiness as preserving it in amber, sealing our happy moments in stasis as in a picture, or the paintings he loves so much. George has at times represented the paternalistic misogyny facing women in society, the anonymous cruelty of placing your corporate underlings in brutal competition, or the simpering smile promising escape from destitution through wage slavery. Here at the end, those faces merge into one cold promise, a seemingly compassionate assurance that nothing will ever be better than it is now, so you might as well make the good times last. Through struggle and self-doubt, Hana has refused to give up hope for the future, and I don’t think she’s stopping now. Let’s fight for a brighter tomorrow!