Top Anime of 2023 (And Year in Review)

Another year has come and gone, leaving us undeniably older and presumably wiser, though at this point it’s hard for me to tell if each new year of knowledge outpaces the mental erosion of aging. That phrase “they’ve forgotten more about subject than you’ll ever know” always seemed a bit strange to me – I mean, I’ve forgotten way more stuff than I’ve remembered, and I don’t exactly take that as a point of pride. I’m really good at forgetting stuff! It’s probably what I’m best at! It does not make me a better thinker or critic!

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Fall 2023 – Week 12 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m happy to report that I’ve mostly shaken off the illness of last week, which indeed proved to be an unwanted but altogether mild bout of Covid. I have emerged from sickness with arms swinging, having barreled through a variety of games, films, and shows as I try to cram as many last-minute additions as possible into the year’s variable attractions. With both One Piece Odyssey and Scott Pilgrim Takes Off concluded, my house is now indulging in what has become an unexpected Projekt Red tradition: playing through one of their games while simultaneously munching on the relevant TV adaptation. Considering what a good time we had both watching and playing through The Witcher at once, we’re now both watching and playing through Cyberpunk, and having a very reasonable time of it. I’ll have more to say on those projects soon, but for now, let’s run down a fresh selection of films, shows, and what have you in the Week in Review!

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