Spring 2021 – Week 11 in Review

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. I’ve got a very old-fashioned Week in Review for you today, as this week, I basically watched nothing but anime. Not airing anime, of course – that’d be too simple, and too likely to actually promote my brand among the recency-addicted anime fandom. Instead, I flew through one of the highlights of last season, SK8 the Infinity, along with a classic anime film and the requisite double-helping of One Piece. This is turning out to be an exceptional year in anime so far; I’ve been thoroughly impressed by Wonder Egg, ODDTAXI, and SK8, and I still need to follow up on shows like To Your Eternity and Megalobox: Nomad. I’ll get to those soon enough, but for now, let’s barrel through some fresh cartoon highlights in the Week in Review!

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