Winter 2022 – Week 3 in Review

Whew, it has been a week. I finally got my COVID booster, which had me basically incapacitated for forty-eight hours. That, of course, invoked a rolling cascade of delayed responsibilities, meaning I’ve been rushing to catch up on projects while handling a variety of other outstanding responsibilities. It turns out as an adult, when you have a sick day, that day’s responsibilities don’t just float away into the ether; they get compacted into all your other days, punishing you for the audacity of possessing a feeble, mortal frame. Fortunately, I’ve mostly caught up at this point (or will have once I finish this article, then write up the first half of the next Week in Review, then watch the last four episodes of Sonny Boy, then write it up for my Year in Review), and believe I have managed to keep my external pandemonium from tarnishing the sanctity of my weekly film reflections. With all that bellyaching off my chest, let’s dive into the Week in Review!

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Fall 2021 – Week 1 in Review

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. The fall season has officially started, meaning we’re gearing up for another bout of seasonal depression, or as I like to call it, depression. I’m not the most cheerful of souls at the best of the times, but the dreary winter weather certainly doesn’t help. Like many folks, I often write to intellectualize my feelings, and through defining them hope to resolve or at least come to peace with them. Like Dobu says, most people don’t think about themselves all that much; writing at times feels like an act of therapy, so I hope you all forgive me for taking advantage of my platform to mumble about my feelings.

Of course, one of my most sure-fire ways to get out of my own head is to get into someone else’s head, and explore their take on the world for a while. Thus this was a fairly productive week, as we knocked out a mixed bag of films, along with a couple of acclaimed streaming series. Let’s break ‘em all down in the Week in Review!

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Spring 2020 – Week 10 in Review

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. I’ve got plenty more thoughts on a variety of movies for you all today, opening with even more exploration of Hayao Miyazaki’s early films. I also continued to deeply wound myself through repeated exposure to the filmography of Hirokazu Kore-eda, and even watched through Greg Daniels’ much-maligned new Netflix production. There’s a lot of media to cover and I’m sure you all have busy Wednesdays to get back to, so let’s not waste any more time, as we run down more of film and television’s bounteous treasures in another Week in Review!

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