Winter 2020 – Virtually Every First Episode Retrospective

Well, 2020 has arrived, and we’re somehow all still here. Along with our own continued existence, it seems the anime industry has also persisted into the new decade, and has already blessed us with an unceasing spray of mostly mediocre productions. Fortunately for all of you, I have found a way to convert my increasing disillusionment regarding this art form into cold hard cash, a process that, as a byproduct, results in a staggering number of premiere reviews. Seriously, I’ve been doing this for over half a decade now, so that’s like… well into the hundreds… hmmm…

Alright, don’t really want to think about that. Instead, let’s get on to the day’s critical business – breaking down the 2020 winter anime season! Having reviewed nearly every single new premiere for ANN’s preview guide, I’m at last prepared to sort the season’s attractions from best to worst, grouping them into handy-dandy categories along the way. I’ll be including brief breakdowns of my thoughts here, and you can also click on any of the titles to be linked to the full ANN review page, where you can find my thoughts under Nick Creamer (which is my name). Without further ado, let’s run down the new anime season!

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Winter 2020 Season Preview

Hello folks, and welcome back to… what the fuck, does that actually say 2020 at the top of the post? As in, the beginning of an entire new decade? As in, I’ve been writing about anime for…

You know what, we’re just not gonna think about that. Instead, we’re simply going to appreciate the upcoming attractions of the newest anime season, a season which holds no greater temporal significance whatsoever, and which will solely be a source of animated joy, not existential career-focused dread. As usual, my picks here won’t include every single new anime production – just the ones I think already possess some obvious potential, be it due to strong source material, excellent key staff members, or whatever else catches my attention. I’ll also focus my descriptions on highlighting those factors, rather than offering a reheated synopsis; you can find synopses for everything over on anichart, and synopses rarely have much correlation with quality in the first place. If that dismissal of Plot As A Meaningful Concept raises your hackles, feel free to exit the building – if not, I hope you find something worth checking out in my rundown. Without further ado, let’s start the Winter 2020 Season Preview!

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