Fall 2023 – Week 9 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. With my new apartment now more or less settling into a peaceful routine, all of the humbler creatures within our film screening ecosystem are at last returning to the forest. In less metaphorically incoherent terms, that means we’ve been slotting in more dubious afternoon features to accompany our distinguished evening viewings, and once again plumbing the depths of Netflix, Hulu, and Tubi’s exceedingly variable collections. To be honest, I can’t even fully blame this on my housemates – I’ve made a couple wild swings of my own with recent recommendations, and bear no small part of blame in our recent parade of trash. Nonetheless, the critiques will carry on – whether recommending new favorites or serving as a cautionary tale for others, I take my screenings extremely seriously, and come to you today with a fresh helping of carefully scrutinized cinema. Let’s get to it!

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