Summer 2023 – Week 9 in Review

Hello friends, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. I am sorry to report that this has been another tough week on the home front, as our core “family” of four onetime tenants has been reduced to two, with our other companions choosing new horizons over continuing the apartment hunt. What this means for our D&D campaign I shudder to imagine, but I’m doing my best to take the changing tides with grace. Life continues, you know? It can’t all be good times, and a shakeup like this is also an opportunity to unshackle myself from routine, and see what else is out there for me. Though I enjoy my comfortable, predictable days, it’d also be nice to travel more and meet new people, and so I’m channeling my Rilakkuma & Kaoru zen as fiercely as possible through these turbulent times. In the meantime, a little constancy is always appreciated, so let’s run through some of our regularly scheduled movie reviews. Onward!

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