Winter 2020 – Week 3 in Review

Well folks, it’s Wednesday again. Normally, this is when I offer some scattered thoughts on the previous week in streaming anime, but for this season, that process seems kind of superfluous. I’m currently watching My Hero Academia, Chihayafuru, and Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!, and among the three of them, I’m already writing episodic articles about each new Chihayafuru and Eizouken article. I doubt anyone’s particularly excited about hearing me dutifully report on My Hero Academia’s extremely loyal and generally unremarkable adaptation each week, so instead I’d like to expand my focus a bit, and talk about some of the non-anime media I’ve gotten to recently. I’ve been making a concerted effort to watch more acclaimed films and whatnot, and if I can’t turn all that personal fulfillment into Content, then what the heck am I doing?

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