Summer 2022 – Week 6 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome the heck back to Wrong Every Time. You all doing okay this week? As for me, the water has currently been turned off in my apartment due to construction, a fact which is intermingling with the ongoing heat wave to astonishingly negative effect. But that aside, I’m still feeling hyped as hell about running my own D&D campaign, and have hammered out a whole introductory quest node for my beloved players. My current biggest issue is figuring out how to effectively crib from the various established modules – I don’t want to simply embrace standard WotC adventures, but the scale of invention required for a major D&D arc seems intimidating, to say the least. And of course, the house has still played host to all manner of film viewings, as we continue to extract vital nourishment from the fertile vine of cinematic history. I can sense myself getting weirdly florid with these descriptions, so let’s not waste any more time, and see what a fresh week of films has to offer!

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