Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. You all doing okay today? I’ve personally got an appointment later that I’m a little nervous about, and so it seemed like the right time to indulge in one of our lighter ongoing projects. And what could be lighter than Bodacious Space Pirates, the show where a girl who has three different puppy hats can steer a pirate ship and wear a sugar plum fairy costume (complete with puppy hat)? The majesty of space can be alienating, but it sure doesn’t have to be; with the right crew in tow, even the vastness of the stars can make a fine after-school club room.
Having successfully completed their first pirate operation, Marika’s yacht club friends have already averted the risk of the Bentenmaru losing its pirate license. However, it seems president Lynn has another mission in mind: the kidnapping of Jenny Dolittle, her own presidential predecessor. There’s no point speculating on Lynn’s motives when she’s right here to explain them, so let’s settle into our seats, and kick back for another episode of Bodacious Space Pirates!