Hello everyone, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. It’s presumably well into the springtime whenever you’re reading this, but as of the moment I’m typing, it is currently my friggin’ birthday, and that means we’re watching some Sun and Moon. My rigorous professionalism prevents me from outright taking the day off, but I’ll be damned if I’m spending it anywhere but the islands of Alola!
We’re currently in the midst of a sumptuously animated climactic arc, with Lusamine having just sacrificed herself to the nether realms in order to save her daughter. I’ve frequently wondered how the show was going to adapt Lillie’s game arc, and it appears this is the answer: by shuffling all of Lusamine’s outright villainousness over to Elton, the anime has turned her story into one of familial neglect and redemption, rather than some genuine supervillain shit. Regardless, the short of it is that the Ultra Beasts are attacking, and it’s up to our group of scrappy youngsters to save the day. Let’s return to the embattled shores of Alola!