Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time! Today we’ll be returning to the rootinest tootinest reality in all of the multiverse, as we continue The Girl in Twilight’s exploration of modern fantasy cowboy Japan. From the relatively straightforward social commentary of Twilight’s first arc, the show has now bounded forward into wild, fantastical farce, presenting a world that is as unique as it is hilariously anachronistic.
At the moment, Mia is doing her best to succeed as a new deputy, while her friends Chloe and Nana have found themselves hogtied and captured by Bounty Hunter Asuka, and our own Asuka and Yu are being convinced to rob a bank. In total, it seems like we might have members of the main crew from four different realities all represented here, between our original party, the Cowboy World locals, the missing Seriousuka, and the Yu who actually summoned the girls into this world. I’m not sure precisely how many Asukas any given world can handle, but I’m eager to find out as we continue this seriously entertaining production!