Spring 2020 – Week 4 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to the Week in Review. Today I’ve got a sprawling pile of movie reviews for you all, ranging from classics of horror and suspense to some poignant and beautiful modern dramas. The movies were fantastic this week, quite frankly, and I feel like as I dive further into the film canon, I’m only discovering new horizons of genres and directors I’m eager to explore. I’ve got plenty of movies to cover and far too many rambling thoughts about each of them, so let’s not waste any more time, and dive into this mountainous Week in Review!

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Spring 2020 – Week 3 in Review

With the spring season at last in full swing, I can finally return to mostly ignoring spring’s airing anime, and instead gorging myself on a variety of other films and television shows. In this season’s case, there’s not really much choice, anyway; the coronavirus is delaying productions left and right, and with everyone stuck inside anyway, what better time to power through shows you missed the first time? Personally, I’ve been finally getting around to Avatar: The Last Airbender, and discovering I missed a goddamn treasure back when it first aired. All that and more as we return to the Week in Review!

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Spring 2020 – Virtually Every First Episode Retrospective

Look, I’m not going to sugarcoat it for you – this is looking to be a pretty light season in the land of anime. Even in the lead-up to this season, it was already clear that most of the larger hits would be long-running sequels, and series like Re:Zero and Food Wars lost my interest years ago. Then, of course, the coronavirus started sweeping the globe, leading to a number of entirely justified and frankly welcome delays for some of the season’s key properties. Between those extenuating factors and the season’s inherently limited number of high-profile productions, this is turning out to be a light season on the whole, and a fine time to dig into your backlog.

That said, most anime being crap hasn’t stopped me before, and it certainly didn’t stop me this time. I have successfully waded through this season’s mountain of garbage with my mouth wide open, and having sampled all of its sweetly molding flavors, I am now prepared to spit out the choicest morsels for your collective enjoyment. My list here will run from the season’s top contenders down to its worst offenders, with handy tiers and links to longer reviews over at ANN’s preview guide. Let’s review some cartoons!

Oh shit, right, I always do some gimmicky naming scheme for the quality tiers. Uh, let’s do… tiers based on… colors? I guess? Fuck it.

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Spring 2020 First Impressions – Part One

The spring season has already begun unloading its cargo, and I’ve got a fresh pile of hot takes on everything that’s been screened so far! The season is actually looking pretty reasonable at the moment – there’s been nothing that’s truly surprised me, but Listeners’ premiere turned out to be just as good as I was hoping, and Kakushigoto’s aesthetic strengths really surprised me. You can check out the full list of reviews over at ANN, or scroll below for my scores and links to individual reviews. Let’s anime!

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Winter 2020 – Week 12 in Review

Way to fucking go, Nick. Normally, the loosely defined Week 12s and 13s of a given season are the point where most of my watch schedule has already concluded, and I can thus get away with only writing a couple paragraphs for the Week in Review. Of course, now that I’ve transitioned over to writing about all the films and games I’ve consumed, rather than just the streaming anime, I’ve got a whole damn pile of crap to talk about, even though the anime season has largely ended. I am persistently excellent at giving myself more work than I really ought to, but fortunately, these new Week in Reviews have actually turned into one of the highlights of my weekly routine, and I’m frankly only complaining here because I will use literally any available narrative device to fill the space of these openings paragraphs. And with that space now fully occupied (nice going, me), let’s dive into the actual Week in Review!

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Winter 2020 – Week 11 in Review

Alright folks, it’s Wednesday again, and you should hopefully all know the drill by now. This week I burned through a couple of classic ‘60s films, along with the usual scattering of horror selections, and I’m eager to share my findings with all of you. The spoils were frankly excellent this week; Ghostwatch felt similar to Noroi in terms of its understated yet incendiary assault on the found footage genre, and the ‘60s films were an unrelenting buffet of great performances both straight-laced and satirical. Let’s run it all down in the Week in Review!

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Winter 2020 – Week 10 in Review

Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Week in Review. I’ve got a varied assortment of new properties to explore with you today, including a genuine anime classic, along with films ranging from the ludicrously terrible to the actually pretty good. It turns out self-quarantining also gives you a whole lot of time for videogames, so I’ve also got some initial thoughts on Nioh 2, the latest Soulsborne-style release from Team Ninja. I’ve got plenty to say and this article is late enough as it is, so let’s not waste any more time on throat clearing, and dive right into the Week in Review!

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Winter 2020 – Week 9 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome to another Week in Review. The film pickings were particularly generous this week, as I ended up watching two of the better films I’ve seen in months – and hey, one of them was even an anime! I finally checked out In This Corner of the World, and it turned out to be one of the best anime I’ve seen in years, reminding me once again of this art form’s boundless artistic potential, as well as its ability to make me sob like a baby. This post is already behind schedule and I’ve got plenty to talk about, so let’s not waste any more time, as we jump into one more Week in Review!

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Winter 2020 – Week 8 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to the Week in Review! I worked through a solid pile of fresh films this week, including a mix of anime tie-ins, strong genre features, and one of 2019’s fan favorites, and I’ve got plenty of thoughts to share with you all. Incidentally, I’d like to thank you all for accepting this season’s shift in Week in Review structure, as from my perspective, it’s been very rewarding to simply write about whatever recent art has actually inspired me, rather than limiting myself to the scope of the current anime season. Anime’s great, but there’s an infinite horizon of art out there, and I plan to explore as much of it as I can. Let’s get to it!

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Winter 2020 – Week 7 in Review

Hello all, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time! I’ve got a fresh pile of films I watched this week, including Masaaki Yuasa’s latest feature, along with another boatload of variably watchable horror films. Along with me personally being a big horror fan, horror is also one of the few genres I can always convince my housemates to take a chance on, so we end up screening a fair number of blood-curdling features around my apartment. The pickings were pretty solid this week, so let’s not waste any more time, and dive into the latest Week in Review!

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