Spring 2024 – Week 11 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. This week I’m riding high on the back of another successful DnD session, as I lead my players through a post-campaign island adventure with a clear Indiana Jones coat of paint. It’s becoming a tricky thing to provide meaningful challenges for my party of heroes; DnD is reasonably well-balanced from around level four to level twelve (the point where Baldur’s Gate 3 wisely caps you), but after that you reach the point where rogues simply can’t be discovered, warriors can barely be harmed, and magic users can either fly or teleport past any physical hurdle.

As a result, old standbys like pit traps and pressure plates start to become more endearing than genuinely threatening, forcing me to come up with inventive new ways to either kill the party or trick them into killing themselves. Basically all of my experiments in this regard were successful, so I’m feeling more confident than ever that I can maintain a stream of worthy challenges for my near-demigod-level players. And of course, there was also plenty of time dedicated to screening whatever film features caught my fancy. Let’s check ‘em out!

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Neon Genesis Evangelion – Episode 22

A full moon draws us back to earth after an episode of painful revelation. After spending so much of this series guessing at the intent behind Gendo and his compatriots’ actions, the reveal of NERV’s origins proved more harrowing than we could have imagined. Not because the goals of this group are so ominous or esoteric; in fact, it’s quite the opposite. By drawing back the veil cloaking Seele, Gehirn, and NERV, Evangelion has revealed that its architects are driven by motives just as petty and human as the rest of us.

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The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, REALLY Love You – Episode 5

Hello folks, and welcome the heck back to Wrong Every Time. Today I thought we’d return to the trials of Rentaro and his soon-to-be hundred girlfriends, and see how the happiest harem in history is coming along. Having won over the diminutive Shizuka, tsundere Karane, and charmingly oversexed Hakari, Rentaro has clearly proven himself a lover beyond compare – so is it time now to adopt a fourth member of the flock, or are we off on some other bizarre adventure?

Regardless, our last episode served as a fine demonstration of one of the most important ways 100 Girlfriends distinguishes itself from other harems. First, as I’ve discussed previously, it’s crucial that Rentaro himself is profoundly likable – that he’s as much of a catch as any of his lovers, and thus actually, convincingly deserving of their love. But secondly, it’s also crucial that Rentaro’s girlfriends are also each other’s girlfriends, that they appreciate and care about each other as much as they love their darling boy.

If these girls were only bonded via their mutual love of Rentaro, he’d still have all the power here – and frankly, such a situation would profoundly limit the effectiveness of future drama, as many “everyone knows the hero, but barely know each other” stories have proven. For 100 Girlfriends to remain a charming ensemble drama, the girlfriends must be a part of each other’s lives as much as they are a part of Rentaro’s, and last episode’s getting-to-know-you shenanigans more than demonstrated Rikito Nakamura’s dedication to fostering such bonds. With Nakamura’s sage understanding of harem dynamics proven once more, let’s see what awaits for Rentaro and his merry maidens!

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One Piece – Episode 1089

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today’s project is a bit unusual, as we are neither touching down on a new production nor continuing one of our existing journeys – instead, we’re plunking down right at episode 1089 of the long-running One Piece. As any followers of my twitter account likely know, I’ve spent the last few years diving ever-deeper into One Piece, and ultimately coming to appraise it alongside Hunter x Hunter as a superior and frankly incredible shonen production. The story’s scope, skill of execution, and constant creative embellishments make it a source of continuous wonder; it embodies the essence of cartooning while also succeeding as a grand fantasy epic, and I would recommend anyone who’s curious about it to at least check out the manga.

As for our current assignment, episode 1089 marks the transition from the long-lasting, feudal Japan-themed Wano arc to the current Egghead arc, which the anime production accompanied with a wholesale reimagining of the One Piece aesthetic. Gone are the formidable line weights and bright colors of Wano, replaced by delicate lines and pastels that harken back to One Piece’s original look. It’s a transition with a clear thematic intent: after the high dramatic peaks of Wano, Egghead is partially intended as a nostalgic return to form, a reminder of the freewheeling “what will the next island hold” spirit that once characterized this production. From their arrival at the second half of the Grand Line through Wano, Luffy and his companions’ course was largely directed by their alliance with fellow pirate Trafalgar Law – but now that the goals of that alliance have been achieved, the Straw Hats are again free to sail wherever the winds might take them. Let’s get to it!

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Spring 2024 – Week 10 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome the heck back to Wrong Every Time. This week my housemate at last finished his rampage through Critical Role’s second campaign, featuring The Mighty Nein as reluctant would-be saviors of the realm. The campaign left me with increasingly mixed feelings throughout; while the actual cast of player characters was engaging, it felt like most of their arcs were left unresolved, and the party was so conflict-averse that they largely avoided the big dramatic setpieces their DM had planned. By the end, the campaign felt almost like a cautionary tale regarding the necessity of DM supervision, and I’m curious to see if the announced animated adaptation significantly improves the story, by actually including the conflicts (continent at war, emergence of elder gods) that the players chose to ignore. Regardless, having that campaign behind us has left plenty of time for film screenings, so let’s dive into the Week in Review!

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Neon Genesis Evangelion – Episode 21

After twenty episodes of increasingly claustrophobic drama, with our perspective perpetually honing closer into the psychological disarray of Shinji and his companions, Evangelion’s twenty-first episode offers an unexpected broadening of the camera’s frame. No longer must we guess and wonder at the motivations inspiring Gendo, Fuyutsuki, or Ritsuko Akagi; episode twenty-one brings us right back to the beginning, charting a course from the Second Impact through the formation of NERV and the first Eva tests. At last, the grand mysteries of Evangelion will finally be revealed!

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Ojamajo Doremi Sharp – Episode 11

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m delighted to be returning to Ojamajo Doremi Sharp, as we check in on the continuing fortunes of our increasingly competent ojamajos. Our last episode featured the welcome return of Aiko’s best friend Nobuko, who came ready to greet the fourth grade with a new adventure, “The Boy Who Ran.” Seeing all of Aiko’s friends add their own additions to the narrative was both inherently funny and also a satisfying riff on their individual personalities – even if they hadn’t inserted themselves as characters, it would have been easy enough to assign Hadzuki, Onpu, and Doremi to their respectively gothic, melodramatic, and steak-obsessed contributions.

Ojamajo Doremi’s classmate-focused episodes embody one of its greatest strengths: its dedication to furnishing its entire ensemble cast with distinctive, multifaceted, and evolving personalities, such that they feel like people we’re coming to know better all the time, rather than devices serving some specific dramatic purpose. With its remarkably thoughtful, generous narrative and marvelous production team, every episode of Doremi is a reminder of just how good anime can be, and I’m looking forward to whatever comes next. Let’s find out!

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Star Driver – Episode 24

Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today we return to Star Driver on the eve of apocalypse, as Sugata embraces his fated role standing atop Kiraboshi’s nefarious organization. Though to be honest, he’s been trending in this direction for at least half the show so far; though he denied Benio and the others in the wake of the first King’s Pillar activation, he was clearly not willing to go so far as to actively reject his birthright. And since then, Tokio has become a close confidant of our would-be king, all while his alleged fiancé grows closer to that interloper Takuto.

So yes, I was frankly expecting this from Sugata, and can only hope his bond with Takuto is strong enough to save him from his dark destiny. On a pure plot level, releasing the Cybodies from Southern Cross would at best instigate an era of forever-adolescent robotic terror, and at worst instantly kill every single person who’s not similarly apprivoised. On a thematic level, this act would represent the victory of stasis over embracing maturity, the latent awareness of self as an active participant in the world gestured towards by the fusion of adolescent and Cybody. Cybodies are essentially masks our characters use to play-act adulthood, but if true maturation is to be achieved, our heroes must set aside their armor and, like all of the hopeful maidens trapped in Tokio’s gallery, at last set sail for the real world. Let’s get to it!

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Spring 2024 – Week 9 in Review

Hello folks, and welcome the heck back to Wrong Every Time. It would seem that summer has finally unleashed its fiery tendrils, as I am currently laboring under an oppressive, obnoxiously humid heat that has reduced my cat to a wilting blob on the sofa. Nonetheless, I remain steadfast in my dedication to bringing you only the freshest film reviews, be they features of yesteryear or alluring new productions. This week we actually caught up on a variety of recent films, checking out the latest escapades of the reliable Jason Statham while also continuing our journey through the world of Dragon Ball. Much screening time has also been dedicated to my housemate’s rampage through Critical Role’s second campaign, an adventure that has increasingly played like a cautionary tale regarding the role of the dungeon master. I might actually write up some thoughts about that campaign as a whole once we’ve reached the end, but for now, let’s break down the week in films!

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Neon Genesis Evangelion – Episode 20

Dull green eyes possessing a keen yet feral intelligence. Gleaming teeth that rip and tear with abandon, uncomfortably human in shape. Bulging muscles that test and snap their bindings, revealing the grotesque organism beneath the metal shell. Too human and also not enough – uncanny in its scale and alarming in its movement, like some great and bloody wolf that has risen on its hindquarters, nose drifting in search of threat or quarry. In order to fight angels, mankind has conscripted devils. Unit 01 is free.

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