We’re truly in it now, folks. After already having consumed Seriousuka’s home dimension, the Emissary of Twilight has journeyed on to Asuka’s own world, and revealed itself to be a third Asuka altogether. Except this Asuka is tiny, so I guess that makes it Chibi Asuka? Smolsuka? I like Smolsuka, I’m going with that.
Anyway, as my cavalier attitude might indicate, I’m not terribly worried about how this whole King of Twilight conflict plays out. The show itself has rarely hung much dramatic weight on its scifi trappings; instead, we get goofy stuff like Cowboy World, playful venues for our heroines to go on adventures. The solidity of the fantastical trappings has been consistently loose because the show’s dramatic bedrock lies elsewhere: in the utterly convincing friendships between Asuka and her friends, and in its consistent reflections on what it means to assume a mature identity. One by one, Asuka’s friends have had their preconceptions about their identities challenged, and emerged stronger for it – but for Asuka, embracing a new self feels like a betrayal of her lost brother. At this point, I’m holding out for Yu still somehow reaching her – but either way, I’m eager to see how her journey ends. Let’s get to it!